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Maximum fees payable


The maximum total daily resident contribution (basic daily resident contribution plus income tested daily resident contribution) a person can be required to pay is $63.30 indexed ($64.56 from 2 April 1998), or the cost of their care if this is lower.  This is three times the basic daily resident contribution for a pensioner.

Thus the most a person can be charged is $26.40 basic daily resident contribution ($26.91 from 2 April 1998) plus $36.90 income tested daily resident contribution ($37.65 from 2 April 1998) making a total of $63.30 ($64.56 from 2 April 1998).

A hostel resident would not pay this amount as the amount of basic resident contribution and Commonwealth subsidy would be less than this amount that acts as a lower cap on the level of daily fees payable.

At the income level where eligibility for income support pension is lost for a single or partnered resident, an income tested daily resident contribution of approximately $13.00 is payable.