Compensation and Support Reference Library
Departmental Instructions
Purpose of Instruction |
This Departmental Instruction (DI) provides information on the issuing of the 1998 Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) to those Australian veterans who have chosen the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) to act as their agent to pay both their DVA disability pension (DP) and the Department of Social Security (DSS) age pension. This group are referred to as the ‘Bring Em Backs' (BeBs). |
Table of Contents
BeB Overview....................................3
PCC Overview....................................3
Overview of Exercise...............................4
Issue of DVA PCC to BeBs...........................5
Void Vouchers to be Issued .........................5
Card Production...................................6
Card Numbers.................................... 7
1998 DVA PCC Stock.............................. 8
Blinded Pensioners Special PCCs.....................8
Eligible Group....................................9
Dependant Children...............................9
Cancellation of Vouchers...........................10
Bulk Issue Reports................................11
Report Types.....................................11
Where the Reports will be Printed......................11
Ongoing Issues of PCCs from Local Printers............12
Ongoing Issue - Process Unchanged....................12
Ongoing Issue Procedures...........................12
PCC and Insert Stock..............................13
Other Issues.....................................13
Voucher Replacement..............................13
Report Problems to National Office.....................14
Contact Officers...................................14
A - State Office Contact Telephone Numbers and
B - Age Pensioners transferring to DVA: Dependant
Child Details.....................................17
C - Arrangements for providing replacement
Travel Vouchers for Pensioner Concession
Card holders in 1998...............................18
D - Record of Problems Reported Following the
issue of 1998 DVA PCC's to BeB Client Group............20
E - State Office PCC Contact Officers...................21
BeB Overview |
The Government announced in the August 1996 Federal Budget, that veterans receiving DP from DVA, and age pension from DSS, will have the choice of either DSS or DVA to pay their age pension. This means DVA will be an ‘agent' of DSS, for the administration and payment of age pension to this group of veterans. Eligible partners of these veterans may also choose to receive their age (or wife) pension from DVA.
The implementation date of this 1996/97 Budget Initiative, where DVA will pay & administer age pension under the Social Security Act, for certain disability pensioners and their partners, will be DVA payday 26 March 1998
Please refer to Departmental Instructions numbered C32/97 and C11/98 for further detail on this initiative. [15] (go back) |
PCC Overview |
The PCC is issued by the Commonwealth Government to all income support recipients to prove eligibility for a range of Commonwealth, State/Territory and Local Government benefits and concessions. DVA is responsible for issuing the PCC to DVA clients. The PCC is issued annually in November to all income support recipients for the following calendar year. Ongoing issues of PCCs to pensioners are made through the mainframe online system in each State Office, allowing for the issue of replacement and new entitlement cards to be printed overnight. |
Overview of Exercise |
The issue of a 1998 DVA PCC to the BeB client group will be a similar exercise to the Department's annual bulk issue exercise conducted in November each year
. However, there are some requirements specific to this exercise, as well as other initiatives, that have been introduced for this exercise which will carry through to the annual November bulk exercise.
Please refer to Departmental Instruction Number C52-97 issued on 5 November 1997 for additional information. [16] (go back)This exercise to issue a 1998 DVA PCC to the BeB client group will include the following initiatives:
Continued on next page
Introduction, Continued
Issue of DVA PCC to BeBs |
The BeB client group were not issued a DVA PCC as part of the Department's 1997 bulk issue of 1998 PCCs, as they had not transferred to DVA at the time of the exercise. They were however, issued a 1998 PCC from Centrelink. To enable concession providers to confirm eligibility details of pensioners receiving concessions, those BeBs who transfer to DVA in the automatic bulk transfer will require a 1998 PCC with the DVA logo and their DVA client benefit number to be used for the remainder of 1998. This issue of a 1998 DVA PCC to the BeB client group is to be conducted as a one-off exercise, with subsequent issues of PCCs being incorporated as part of the Department's annual November bulk exercise and daily issue practices. |
Void Vouchers to be Issued |
Vouchers were provided with the 1998 PCC issued by Centrelink and while there is a requirement for DVA to replace their PCC card the vouchers issued by Centrelink will remain valid after the transfer. As those vouchers will remain valid, DVA will issue the PCC carrier intact; However, the vouchers will be overwritten with the word ‘CANCELLED'. |
Card Production |
The BeBs transferring to DVA received a 1998 PCC card from Centrelink during their 1997 bulk issue exercise. For this exercise DVA will be issuing a 1998 DVA PCC card only. (The BeB client group will be advised in a separate mailout prior to the PCC processing exercise that they should destroy their 1998 Centrelink PCC card.) Processing of the bulk issue of approximately 9,000 1998 PCCs for the BeBs will commence on Monday, 30 March 1998, following the extract of client data on the weekend of 28-29 March 1998. The 1998 PCC will be personalised, enveloped and despatched by the mailing house - Security Mailing Services located at Kingsgrove in Sydney. Lodgement with Australia Post is to be completed by Friday, 3 April 1998. |
Continued on next page
Card Numbers |
There are less than 9,000 BeBs (including partners) who have elected to transfer to DVA in the automatic transfer and who will be issued a DVA 1998 PCC. The numbers listed below for each State/Territory are approximate only and actual numbers may be less than indicated in Table A. Indicative numbers are as follows: |
Table A: Indicative number of DVA age pensioners (BeBs):
Married - 1417 x 2 = 2834 Single - 672 = 3,506 |
Married - 1071 x 2 = 2142 Single - 462 = 2,604 |
Married - 727 x 2 = 1454 Single - 346 = 1,800 |
SA |
Married - 328 x 2 = 656 Single - 142 = 798 |
WA |
Married - 332 x 2 = 664 Single - 152 = 816 |
Married - 77 x 2 = 154 Single - 38 = 192 |
NT |
Married - 6 x 2 = 12 Single - 3 = 15 |
Married - 50 x 2 = 100 Single - 17 = 117 |
9,848 |
Production, Continued
1998 DVA PCC Stock |
The current 1998 DVA PCC stock is to be used for this exercise and for the ongoing new and replacement issues of 1998 PCCs in the State Offices. The 1998 PCC is a salmon pink plastic card with heading and logos in deep purple. The travel vouchers are the same salmon pink with black lettering. The expiry date is 31/12/98 for all 1998 PCCs. The State Office contact phone number(s) shown on the 1998 PCC carriers will be determined by the file number of the client, not the residential address. See Attachment A for the State Office telephone numbers and addresses. |
Blinded Pensioners - Special PCCs |
The word ‘BLIND' will be printed in 14 point lettering on the top centre of the 1998 PCC for blind pensioners. The PCC for blind pensioners issued during the bulk processing exercise will have a small curved segment cut out from the bottom and right hand sides of the card. When issuing a ‘blind' pensioner a PCC during a daily issue run, the general PCC stock provided to all States is to be used for all re-issues and new grants. (The State Office PCC stock does not have the curved segments cut out from the cards. The program which runs the daily issues will however, allow for the word ‘BLIND' to be printed on the top centre of the PCC.) |
Continued on next page
Production, Continued
Eligible Group |
Persons eligible to be issued with a DVA 1998 PCC for this exercise are those Australian veterans receiving a disability pension from DVA, and who are also in receipt of a DSS age pension. These veterans have elected DVA to act as their agent to pay both their DVA disability pension and their DSS age pension. Eligible partners of these veterans may also choose to receive their age (or wife) pension from DVA. |
Dependant Children
As no family data is being automatically up loaded during the transfer of BeB data, clients with dependant children will NOT be issued with a PCC as part of the bulk issue of PCCs. The State Offices will be required to manually issue a PCC to those pensioners who have dependant children in their assessment. Clients with dependant children will be identified in an error report which will be generated listing those clients who have dependant children and are entitled to receive a DVA PCC. There are approximately 24 clients nationally with dependant children. A data collection form recording the dependant children details of those Age Pensioners transferring to DVA has been prepared together with the detailed information necessary to enable the State Offices to manually process those cases. This detailed information was provided in the Manual Processing memorandum issued to the State Offices on the week beginning 9 March 1998 by the ‘Bring em Back' Project Team Manager. A blank copy of the data collection form for ‘Age Pensioners Transferring to DVA : Dependant Child Details' is provided for your information at Attachment B. |
Continued on next page
Production, Continued
Inserts |
A State specific 1998 magnetic refrigerator calendar will be the only insert included with the bulk issue of PCCs for BeBs. A fridge calendar should also be included by the State Office Staff when issuing a PCC to new clients as part of the ongoing processing. Stocks have been supplied to the State Offices for this purpose following the 1997 bulk exercise. |
Cancellation of Vouchers |
All PCC card holders are entitled to only one issue of vouchers for their residential State each calendar year except where a card holder transfers to another State. Re-issues or new grants of income support pensions must not be provided with concession vouchers if they have previously received a PCC with vouchers in the same calendar year from either DSS or DVA. The BeBs transferring to DVA received a 1998 PCC with vouchers from Centrelink during their 1997 bulk issue exercise. For this exercise DVA will be issuing a DVA PCC card only. The vouchers issued by Centrelink will remain valid after the transfer. (The BeB client group will be advised in a separate mailout prior to the PCC processing exercise that they should keep their vouchers). DVA will issue the PCC carrier intact. The vouchers will remain attached to the bottom of the carrier. While the vouchers provide fields to print personal details - NO personal details will be printed on the vouchers during the bulk issue exercise. For this exercise the word ‘CANCELLED' will be overwritten clearly across each voucher attached to the carrier. |
Bulk Issue Reports
Report Types |
Each State Office will be provided with the following reports providing details of cases in the following categories:
Where the Reports will be Printed |
The above reports will be addressed to the State Office BeB PCC contact officers. You should expect the reports to be printed in your respective State Office printers identified as: NSWBO, VICBO1, QLDBO, SABO, TASBO and WABO on Monday, 30 March 1998, following the data extraction processing on the weekend of 28 - 29 March 1998. |
Ongoing Issuing of PCCs from Local Printers
Ongoing Issue - Process unchanged |
The procedures for the ongoing issuing of new and replacement 1998 PCCs including lost or damaged cards for BeB clients will remain as per the current procedures in place in your State Office ie., new and replacement issues of PCCs are to be extracted by batch processing each night for printing daily on the local printers located in each State Office. |
Ongoing Issue Procedures |
The current 1998 DVA PCC stock is to be used for BeB clients. Unlike the annual bulk issue exercise where the current years stock cannot be used for daily extracts for a couple of days prior to the issue of the following years PCC stock, there are no restrictions for issuing a 1998 DVA PCC to BeB pensioners who transfer to DVA on or after 26 March 1998. The State Offices may issue a 1998 DVA PCC to those BeB pensioners who transfer to DVA from DSS on or from 26 March 1998 (effective date) who are not included in the bulk transfer group. (BeB's who transfer to DVA on or from 26 March 1998 will be identified differently on the database from those who transfer during the automatic up load exercise. (The bulk transfer in of BeBs can be identified on the inquiry screen showing unformatted data ie., IQ.CU - MLCPBPER - 8410040ON BEB 980101QBC00014367001 - pensioners who transfer on or from 26 March 1998 can be identified on IQ.CU - MLCPBPER - 8410040ON DEL 980101QBC00014367001.)) Please note: All clients transferring to DVA during the year who have previously been issued a PCC and vouchers from DSS should not be issued with valid vouchers when given a replacement PCC from DVA. The vouchers are issued as part of the carrier but the system should suppress the vouchers with XXXXXX's. |
Continued on next page
Ongoing Issuing of PCCs from Local Printer Continued
PCC and Insert Stock |
At the completion of the BeB PCC bulk issue exercise, leftover stock of PCCs and fridge magnet calendars will be forwarded to each State Office from the mailing house. As the PCC stock is accountable stationary each State Office contact officer will be advised when their stock will be despatched from the Mailing House and confirmation of delivery in writing ie., a signed memorandum or minute, will be required from the designated contact officer. This measure is a control to reduce the likelihood of stock being misplaced. |
Other Issues
Voucher Replacement |
All BeB clients will be advised in a separate mailout that they will be receiving a PCC card from DVA and that they should keep the vouchers issued by Centrelink as they will remain valid. DVA does not have the facility to issue replacement vouchers. The PCC carriers display a warning stating that DVA cannot issue replacement vouchers. Where State rail authorities have provided them, contacts and procedures for applying for replacement vouchers are listed at Attachment C. Voucher personalisation should therefore be suppressed with XXXXX's for all daily issue replacement or re-issued cards for clients as per the procedures currently in place in the State Offices. Vouchers should be suppressed for those clients who:
If a pensioner loses their vouchers they must apply to their State Rail Authority to have them replaced. |
Report Problems to National Office |
Staff should be reminded that it is important that they keep a log of problems identified following the bulk issue of PCCs to BeB clients. Every endeavor will be made to rectify any identified problems. A form is provided at Attachment D, detailing the minimum of information staff should record when reporting or receiving details of complaints, problems or issues which require follow-up action as a result of the exercise. The information sought on this form is not exhaustive, and as much information as possible should be noted to enable adequate follow-up of any issues arising. |
Contact Officers |
At Attachment E is a list of the BeB PCC National and State Office contact officers for your information. Pat Webb Martin Dibb Project Officer Team Leader (02) 6289 6444 (02) 6289 6751 |
Attachment A
(02) 9213 7777 (metropolitan residents) or
1 800 113 304 (country residents)
(02) 6267 1411 (metropolitan residents) or
1 800 046 088 (country residents).
(03) 9284 6000(metropolitan residents) or
1 800 113 304 (country residents) or
1 800 335 848 (interstate residents).
(07) 3223 8333 (metropolitan residents ) or
1800 113 304 (country residents) or
1800 777 634 (interstate residents).
(07) 472 23333 (Townsville residents) or
1800 019 304 (Nth Qld country residents).
(08) 8290 0555 (metropolitan residents) or
1800 113 304 (NT and SA country residents).
(08) 8927 0044 (metropolitan residents)
(08) 9366 8222 (metropolitan residents) or
1800 113 304 (country residents).
(03) 6221 6666 (metropolitan residents) or
1800 113 304 (country residents).
Centennial Plaza, 280 Elizabeth Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 |
GPO Box 3994 Sydney NSW 1141 |
The Argus Centre 300 Latrobe Street Melbourne VIC 3000 |
GPO Box 87A Melbourne VIC 3001 |
AMP Place 10 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000 |
GPO Box 651 Brisbane QLD 4001 |
River Quays Building 7 Tomlins Street South Townsville QLD 4810 |
GPO Box 651 Brisbane QLD 4001 |
Montpelier Building 21 Kirksway Place Battery Point TAS 7004 |
GPO Box 481E Hobart TAS 7001 |
Corner Moore and Rudd Streets Canberra City ACT 2600 |
GPO Box 3994 Sydney NSW 1141 |
Suite 8, Cascom Centre 15 Scaturchio Street Casuarina NT 0810 |
GPO Box 1652 Adelaide SA 5001 |
Blackburn House 199 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5000 |
GPO Box 1652 Adelaide SA 5001 |
AMP Building 140 St Georges Terrace Cnr William Street Perth WA 6000 |
GPO Box F352 Perth WA 6000 |
Attachment B
Age Pensioners transferring to DVA:
Dependent child details
Please fill in the child's personal details in the spaces provided.
- No kids - indicates the number of children for whom the client is receiving additional income free area. Please provide separate details for each child.
- ST - Student Child. Please indicate if a student child by typing Y or N
- YA - Youth Allowance. Please indicate if the dependent is a prescribed student by typing Y or N
- CDA - Child Disability Allowance. Please indicate if CDA is payable for the child by typing in Y or N
- RAA - Remote Area Allowance. The current fortnightly amount payable
Pensioner's Surname |
No kids |
Child's name(s) |
DoB |
Sex F/M |
Address |
ST Y/N |
YA Y/N |
RAA $ p/f |
(Please Note: The data sought in this form has been supplied by Centrelink and was provided in the Manual Processing memorandum issued to the State Offices on the week beginning 9 March 1998 by the ‘Bring em Back' Project Team Manager.
Attachment C
Arrangements for providing replacement
Travel Vouchers for Pensioner Concession Card holders In 1998.
Phone (02) 9224 2846 Fax (02) 9224 3466 The contact number for requesting replacement vouchers from the State Rail Concessions Office is (02) 9224 2846. The Concessions Office will accept a written or faxed application from the person or from DVA (or DSS for their clients). A faxed application via DVA should be on letterhead and include the client's name, address, entitlement number and the number of replacement vouchers required. |
The Victorian Rail Authority have given our Victorian State Office authority to issue replacement vouchers on their behalf for an indefinite period. System changes have been made to allow the vouchers to be issued. |
(07) 3235 2223 Queensland Rail (QR) have set up a Rail Concession Unit where people can apply for replacement vouchers and sign a Statutory Declaration in respect of lost/damaged vouchers. A photocopy of the pensioners PCC is also required. QR do a computer check and only replace unused vouchers. The vouchers can only be replaced once in a calendar year. For non-metropolitan clients, the unit has an arrangement with local rail stations to fax the Statutory Declaration to the RCU, and send the original later. Alternatively, people can get a Statutory Declaration at the local police station, pay their half fare concession and apply for a refund to the voucher equivalent after their travel. This procedure should be confirmed by ringing the above number in the first instance. |
Travel Voucher replacement arrangements, Continued
SA |
1800 888 417 (Toll Free) The Australian National Railways Office (ANRO) has a General Reservations office which people can ring for information. ANRO will not replace the vouchers, but if the person fills out an application, they will provide them with a ticket in place of the voucher. It is anticipated that this process will not change with the sale of ANRO to the Great Southern Railways Passenger Consortium in October 1997. |
WA |
(08) 9326 2222 - Westrail Switch After this date period people can phone Westrail on (08) 9326 2222 - they will then be put through to the Refunds Officer who will advise of the necessary arrangements when applying for replacement vouchers. Westrail will not accept personal applications. Westrail check that the vouchers have not been presented before replacing them. Note: Westrail charge $8.00 for replacement vouchers. |
Attachment D
Please Note: Staff should record the following information when receiving details of problems or concerns reported from pensioners on issues which require follow-up action as a result of this exercise.
Caller's Name and Contact Details
Where applicable - ie., caller may be related to client who has a problem to report.
[17] (go back)CLIENT DETAILS:
File Number:
Including postcode.
[18] (go back)Telephone Number:
Details Reported
ie., incorrect info on PCC, non-receipt of PCC, where another person's PCC was received by vet - details of other person should be sought (where possible).
[19] (go back)
Action Taken by Pensioner
Where applicable - ie., may have forwarded PCC onto other person, returned it to SO, or destroyed card.
[20] (go back)
Action Taken by State Office
i.e., re-issued a new PCC, requested vet to send mismatched PCC back to SO etc.
[21] (go back)
Additional Comment:
Attachment E
National Office Policy Systems |
Pat Webb Martin Dibb Wayne McGrath Phuoc Ngo-da |
(02) 6289 6444 (02) 6289 6751 0411 241 253 (02) 6289 4705 (02) 6289 6686 |
(02) 289 6553 (02) 6289 6553 (02) 6289 6339 (02) 6289 6339 |
New South Wales |
Genia Sacharczuk |
(02) 9213 7106 |
(02) 9213 7885 |
Victoria |
Judy Halligan Peter Rogers |
(03) 9284 6430 (03) 9284 6379 |
(03) 9284 6797 |
Queensland |
Stephen Harkin |
(07) 3223 8519 |
(07) 3223 8533 |
South Australia |
Carolyn Conroy |
(08) 8290 0439 |
(08) 8290 0412 |
Western Australia |
Linda Ryan |
(08) 9366 8504 |
(08) 9366 8239 |
Tasmania |
Judith Makedos |
(03) 6221 6684 |
(03) 6221 6610 |