Advisory Notes are published in the CLIK Reference Library for reference purposes.

You can navigate to a specific Advisory using the Table of Contents index to your left. Open the "Advisory Notes" folder by clicking on the + sign next to the folder. Note that when the Table of Contents is fully collapsed, the green arrow will point to the "Advisory Notes" folder.

Advisories are indexed by Year. Use the index to drill down to the specific year and then to the specific Advisory.

Note that an Advisory Note provides an agreed policy view only. It is not a Repatriation Commission Guideline or a Departmental Instruction. The advice is not intended to conflict with the proper application of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 or the judgements of the Courts.  It may be subject to change as a result of further interpretation by the Courts of the legislation.  Nevertheless it represents a considered view that should be taken into account by all delegates