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C17/2006 Supported Residential Services (SRS) CLIK Policy Part 9/Chapter 2/Section 5


DATE OF ISSUE:  31 July 2006

Supported Residential Services (SRS) CLIK Policy Part 9/Chapter 2/Section 5


Premises known as Supported Residential Services (SRS) operate privately in Victoria offering supported accommodation to older people and people with a disability.  Currently, SRS residents are treated as neither aged care residents nor retirement village residents for income support purposes.  While they are eligible for rent assistance, any entry contribution paid is held as an assessable asset.

Policy update

The policy in relation to the treatment of SRS residents has been updated.

Please see current policy in the CLIK Policy at P9/C2/S5/Special Residence – Assessment Rules, where a new topic: Supported Residential Services has been added.

This policy position has recently been agreed between this Department and the Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.

Continued on next page

Factors to be considered

The relevant discretionary powers under Subsection 5M(4) of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 and Subsection 12(3) of the Social Security Act 1991 have already been delegated to income support staff.

If there is doubt about whether the facility meets the requirements for this discretion, the specific details of the case should be referred by email to
Nat Policy Advisings Income Support.

Contact officer

For any questions regarding this instruction, contact Cheryl Oliver (ext 16001) from the Income Support & Aged Care Policy.

Jeanette Ricketts

National Manager

Income Support & Aged Care Policy

31st July 2006