Date amended:
Statements of Principles

Osteoarthritis - Repetitive or forceful activities Factor

This contention only applies to osteoarthritis of an upper limb joint.

The RMA has defined:

Repetitive activities to mean:

  • bending or twisting of the affected joint; or
  • carrying out the same or similar movements that involve the affected joint,
  • at least 50 times per hour;


Forceful activities to mean:

  • tasks requiring the generation of force by the hand equivalent to lifting or carrying loads of more than three kilograms; or
  • holding or carrying an object in the hand greater than one kilogram in excess of 10 times per hour.

NB:  If a person carried an object (greater than 1 kg) in the hand non-stop for an hour, this would NOT meet the RMA definition.  This is only carrying the object once, not in excess of ten times as required by the RMA definition.

General Information

The SOP factor allows for any combination of repetitive activities or forceful activities as long as it is with the same arm as the joint affected with osteoarthritis.

Occupations that may involve repetitive activities include keyboard operators, cleaners, carpenters, assembly line workers, packers and hairdressers.  Activities such as knitting and sewing may also meet the definition.

Forceful activities that may meet the RMA definition include using snips, pliers, shears, chisels or screwdrivers, de-boning carcasses in a slaughterhouse, truck loading and auto assembly.

Physical requirements, duties, and workplace hazards of specific military occupations

Last reviewed for CCPS 10 June 2012.

Investigative Documents



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Claimant Report
Repetitve or Forceful Activities
Preliminary questions [41717]

41719 there is some evidence that performing a combination of repetitive or forceful activities may be a factor in the development or worsening of the condition under consideration.

41720 the veteran has osteoarthritis of a joint of the upper limb.

41722 the veteran has performed a combination of repetitive or forceful activities at some time.

41723  the veteran has established the causal connection between performing a combination of repetitive or forceful activities and VEA service for osteoarthritis.

41724   the veteran has established the causal connection between performing a combination of repetitive or forceful activities and VEA service for the clinical onset of osteoarthritis.

41726  the veteran has established the causal connection between performing a combination of repetitive or forceful activities and operational service for the clinical onset of osteoarthritis.


41727  the veteran has established the causal connection between performing a combination of repetitive or forceful activities and eligible service for the clinical onset of osteoarthritis.


7334     the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred after the end of the veteran's last period of VEA service.

7335     the condition under consideration permanently worsened.

41725   the veteran has established the causal connection between performing a combination of repetitive or forceful activities and VEA service for the clinical worsening of osteoarthritis.

41728  the veteran has established the causal connection between performing a combination of repetitive or forceful activities and operational service for the clinical worsening of osteoarthritis.


41729  the veteran has established the causal connection between performing a combination of repetitive or forceful activities and eligible service for the clinical worsening of osteoarthritis.

Clinical onset and operational service [41726]

41730 the veteran performed a combination of repetitive or forceful activities for a cumulative period of at least eight hours per day on more days than not for a continuous period of at least 10 years.

41731 the veteran performed a combination of repetitive or forceful activities for a cumulative period of at least eight hours per day on more days than not for a continuous period of at least 10 years before the clinical onset of the condition under consideration.

41732 operational service made a material contribution to the veteran performing a combination of repetitive or forceful activities for a cumulative period of at least eight hours each day on more days than not for a continuous period of at least 10 years before the clinical onset of the condition under consideration.

Clinical onset and eligible service [41727]

41733 the veteran performed a combination of repetitive or forceful activities for a cumulative period of at least eight hours per day on more days than not for a continuous period of at least 20 years.

41734 the veteran performed a combination of repetitive or forceful activities for a cumulative period of at least eight hours per day on more days than not for a continuous period of at least 20 years, before the clinical onset of the condition under consideration.

41735 eligible service made a material contribution to the balance of probabilities Statement of Principles requirements for performing a combination of repetitive or forceful activities before the clinical onset of the condition under consideration.

Clinical worsening and operational service [41728]

41736 the veteran performed a combination of repetitive or forceful activities for a cumulative period of at least eight hours each day on more days than not for a continuous period of at least 10 years before the clinical worsening of the condition under consideration.

41737 the continuous period of at least 10 years during which the veteran performed a combination of repetitive or forceful activities for a cumulative period of at least eight hours each day on more days than not commenced after the clinical onset of the condition under consideration.

41738 operational service made a material contribution to the veteran performing a combination of repetitive or forceful activities for a cumulative period of at least eight hours each day on more days than not for a continuous period of at least 10 years before the clinical worsening of the condition under consideration.

Clinical worsening and eligible service [41729]

41739 the veteran performed a combination of repetitive or forceful activities for a cumulative period of at least eight hours each day on more days than not for a continuous period of at least 20 years before the clinical worsening of the condition under consideration.

41740 the continuous period of at least 20 years during which the veteran performed a combination of repetitive or forceful activities for a cumulative period of at least eight hours each day on more days than not commenced after the clinical onset of the condition under consideration.

41741 eligible service made a material contribution to the balance of probabilities Statement of Principles requirements for performing a combination of repetitive or forceful activities before the clinical worsening of the condition under consideration.