SOP Information
SOPs and Supporting Information – alphabetic listing
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Achilles Tendinopathy and Bursitis N038
Factors in CCPS as at 18 July 2007 (N038)
- Treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics
Date amended:
Achilles tendinopathy and bursitis - Treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics Factor
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics include: norfloxacin (Noroxin), ciprofloxacin (Ciprol, Ciproxin), gatifloxacin (Tequin), and moxifloxacin (Avelox). These antibiotics can be given either orally, topically or intravenously. They are most commonly used for treatment of lower respiratory tract infection, ear infections, urinary tract infection, bacterial gastroenteritis, infectious diarrhoea, enteric fever and bone infections.
Last reviewed for CCPS 18 July 2007.
Preliminary questions [38331]
38332 there is some evidence that treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics may be a factor in the development or worsening of the condition under consideration.
38340 the veteran has Achilles tendinopathy of side and site of the body.
34374 the veteran underwent treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics at some time.
34375 the veteran underwent treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics for treatment of an illness or injury which is identifiable.
38333 the veteran has established the causal connection between treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics and VEA service for Achilles tendinopathy or bursitis.
38334 the veteran has established the causal connection between treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics and VEA service for the clinical onset of Achilles tendinopathy or bursitis.
38337 the veteran has established the causal connection between treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics and eligible service for the clinical onset of Achilles tendinopathy or bursitis.
38336 the veteran has established the causal connection between treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics and operational service for the clinical onset of Achilles tendinopathy or bursitis.
7334 the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred after the end of the veteran's last period of VEA service.
7335 the condition under consideration permanently worsened.
38335 the veteran has established the causal connection between treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics and VEA service for the clinical worsening of Achilles tendinopathy or bursitis.
38339 the veteran has established the causal connection between treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics and eligible service for the clinical worsening of Achilles tendinopathy or bursitis.
38338 the veteran has established the causal connection between treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics and operational service for the clinical worsening of Achilles tendinopathy or bursitis.
Clinical onset and operational service [38336]
34379 for the identified illness or injury, the veteran underwent treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics within the fourteen days before the clinical onset of the condition under consideration.
34381 the identified illness or injury, for which the veteran underwent treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics, is causally related to operational service.
Clinical onset and eligible service [38337]
34380 for the identified illness or injury, the veteran underwent treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics within the seven days before the clinical onset of the condition under consideration.
34382 the identified illness or injury, for which the veteran underwent treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics, is causally related to eligible service.
Clinical worsening and operational service [38338]
38341 for the identified illness or injury, the veteran underwent treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics within the fourteen days before the clinical worsening of the condition under consideration.
34381 the identified illness or injury, for which the veteran underwent treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics, is causally related to operational service.
38343 the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred prior to that part of operational service to which the identified illness or injury, for which the veteran underwent treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics, is causally related.
Clinical worsening and eligible service [38339]
38342 for the identified illness or injury, the veteran underwent treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics within the seven days before the clinical worsening of the condition under consideration.
34382 the identified illness or injury, for which the veteran underwent treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics, is causally related to eligible service.
38344 the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred prior to that part of eligible service to which the identified illness or injury, for which the veteran underwent treatment with fluoroquinolone antibiotics, is causally related.