SOP Information
SOPs and Supporting Information – alphabetic listing
A to B
- Accidental Hypothermia S010
ICD Body System
Date amended:
Current RMA Instruments
Reasonable Hypothesis SOP | 21 of 2018 |
Balance of Probabilities SOP | 22 of 2018 |
Changes from previous Instruments
ICD Coding
- ICD-10-AM: T68
- ICD-9-CM: 991.6
Brief description
This SOP covers unintentionally low body temperature, with a core body temperature at or below 35 degrees. The condition ranges from mild to severe, causing death.
Confirming the diagnosis
The diagnosis is made clinically, based on measurement of core body temperature.
The relevant medical specialist is an emergency medicine physician or intensive care specialist.
Additional diagnoses covered by SOP
- Nil
Conditions not covered by SOP
- Hypothermia due to anaesthesia#
- Induced hypothermia#
# Non-SOP condition
Clinical onset
This is an acute event. Onset will be a short time (hours) before first presentation and diagnosis.
Clinical worsening
The only worseing factor is for inability to obtain appropriate clinical management. Moderate to severe cases require emergency treatment. In such cases there is a high mortality rate even with appropriate treatment.