Departmental Instruction




Quarterly Advices.........................................................3

Associated Departmental Instructions...........................................4

Regulation 45A certification..................................................4

Telephone Allowance - Indexation & Quarterly Payment.............................4

Rates of TA payment.................................................4

British Retirement Income - Exchange Rate Adjustment..............................5

Effective Date of Exchange Rate Variation.................................5

Automatic Superannuation Processing....................................5

FI Interest Rate Refresh/Deeming Rate Change...................................5

FI Interest Rates Data................................................6

Who Is Affected.....................................................6


ADP Processing..........................................................7

Disposed Asset re-assessment.........................................7

Early Interface......................................................7

Moratorium on PIPS data-collection and submission..........................7

"Frozen" action records...............................................7

Non-frozen action records.............................................8



Holding of daily advices...............................................9

Despatch of Quarterly Advices..........................................9

Parameter Cards....................................................9

Limitation Cases....................................................9


Fringe Benefits changes..............................................10

Manual Listings.....................................................11

Suspension cases...................................................11

Disability allowance increases..........................................11

Frozen Action Records................................................11

CDB/PMF mismatch cases.............................................12

Manual Methods of Assessment.........................................12

Manual DP Recorded on the CDB.......................................12

Assessment Errors..................................................12

Daily Advices......................................................13

Liaison with Ferntree Computer Centre (NCC)...............................13

Contact numbers..........................................................13

FI/Deeming Contact Officers.................................................14

Advices Paragraph Contents.................................................15

Sequencing of paragraphs.............................................15

British Retirement Income.............................................16

FI Interest Rates Refresh & Deeming.....................................16

Deprivation cases...................................................17

Telephone Allowance.................................................18

Fringe Benefits changes..............................................19


There will not be an increase in the rate of service, disability or war widow pensions on the 1 October 1992 payday, because the Consumer Price Index (CPI) figure for the relevant period was negative.

1.Some allowances will however have rates increased on 1 October 1992 because they are based on a different indexation period; these are Telephone Allowance (TA), Recreation Transport Allowance (RTA), Attendant Allowance, Clothing Allowance and Specific Disability Allowances (SDA) contained in VEA section 27, items 7-15.

2.Revised pages for the Pension Payments Codebook , and new DP rate cards, will have been issued prior to the payday by the Benefits Systems Management  & Support Section.

3.On the same payday the quarterly payment of Telephone Allowance (TA) will be made to eligible pensioners.

4.On the same date there will be a British Retirement Income ("BRI") exchange rate variation, a change to the deemed rate of interest on accounts ("deeming"), and an update of the interest rates held on the pension processing system for most "at call" accounts ("FI refresh").

5.The above events will be integrated with the  Quarterly Advices mailout exercise. Those service pensioners, disability pensioners and war widows affected by any of the above will receive a Quarterly Advice letter containing the appropriate details for the relevant event(s).

6.Although this processing does not constitute a normal Statutory Increase (SI), the major re-assessment program ("BAL") will be run selectively to re-assess all cases with income/assets affected by any of the events mentioned above.

Quarterly Advices

7.Not all pensioners will receive an advice on this occasion, although most service pensioners will. Where a service pension assessment is a joint assessment (ie married), a single joint advice will be produced. Advices will be issued for the following circumstances:

.where Telephone Allowance (TA) is payable;

.where the service pension rate is varied;

.where a reduced-rate continuation occurs despite income/asset data changes (i.e., income changes are self-cancelling).

8.Paragraphs relevant to BRI, FI refresh or Deeming will only be included where the pensioner's income/asset values are varied.

9.The increased fortnightly rate of some DP allowances will not be specifically mentioned in the text of the Quarterly Advices but the new rate of the allowance will appear in the payment box if an advice has been generated for the particular pensioner(s).

10.A pensioner will not have an advice letter generated solely because of the increased rates of DP allowances, even if Rent Assistance is reduced by increased SDA rates. It is unlikely that there will be any cases in the latter situation.

Associated Departmental Instructions

11.Departmental Instruction B25/92 set out eligibility criteria and other details relating to TA, while DI B26/92 outlined general principles covering the issue of quarterly advices. In addition, State Program Managers (Benefits) and System Support Officers have been provided with copies of the rules for this processing run, entitled September 1992 Quarterly Advices System Rules and Components, which contains details of paragraph wording. Some further amendments have been made; a summary of the final wording is attached to this instructtion.

12.The BRI, FI refresh, Deeming, Statutory Increase, TA  and Quarterly Advice processing is scheduled from Friday afternoon 11 September till Sunday 13 September 1992.  ADP processing guidelines and a  timetable  appear later in this instruction.

Regulation 45A certification

13.The Assistant Secretary of both Benefits Planning & Management and IT Applications Branches in Central Office will attest to the correctness of the new data and the programs used to conduct the exercise.  Certificates in the terms of Finance Regulation 45A will be forwarded to the Authorising Officer in your Finance Branch.

Telephone Allowance - Indexation & Quarterly Payment

14.The first quarterly payments of Telephone Allowance (TA)  were made in July 1992. Departmental Instruction B25/92 sets out the eligibility criteria and processing guidelines. That instruction should be consulted as necessary, but references to processing dates should of course be ignored. Significant dates for this exercise appear later in this instruction. A further DI on TA will be issued later this year, chiefly covering arrears issues.

Rates of TA payment

15.The three rates of TA payment have been increased, as follows:

  • The World War 1 rate rises to $165 pa (or $41.30 per quarter);

  • The Base Rate rises to $52.80 pa ($13.20 per quarter);

  • The Half Base Rate rises to $26.40 pa ($6.60 per quarter).

16.The quarterly TA payment amount will be shown on a person's payment advice, in the paragraph  immediately following the payment details box.

17.Pension re-assessment processing precedes TA processing, so anyone gaining Fringe Benefits on 1 October will receive TA, and anyone losing Fringe Benefits (and not otherwise eligible for TA) will not receive TA.

British Retirement Income - Exchange Rate Adjustment

18.The Veterans Entitlements' Act (Part III Division 9) specifies the requirements for conversion of foreign currency amounts, and consequent re-assessment of service pension. The legislation also specifies that the rate will be calculated to four decimal places.

Effective Date of Exchange Rate Variation

19.On payday 1 October 1992 the current exchange rate for the Pound Sterling will change from A$2.2815 to A$2.5549, being the average of the "on demand airmail buying rate" for the month of July 1992.  This is the same exchange rate as the Department of Social Security will be holding from their 24 September 1992 payday.

Automatic Superannuation Processing

20.The amount recorded on the Client Data Base (CDB) as superannuation  type 08 or 09 will be varied by applying a conversion factor which is calculated as follows:

new exchange rate =$2.5549    = 1.1198

old exchange rate$2.2815

21.The amount (in Australian dollars) of income recorded as British Retirement (BRI)  superannuation type 08 or 09 will be multiplied by the conversion factor to give the new rate of superannuation.  The pension amount will then be reassessed accordingly.

22.Where a quarterly  advice letter is produced and there are BRI changes, additional paragraphs will be inserted covering these changes; wording of paragraphs is attached to this instruction.

FI Interest Rate Refresh/Deeming Rate Change

23.On 8 July 1992 the Minister for Social Security announced that the interest rate under the deeming provisions would be reduced from 6% to 5% from 1 October 1992 for service pensioners (and 24 September 1992 for DSS clients).

24.The change in the deemed rate reflects the continuing fall in interest rates generally. To ensure that service pensioners receive the full benefit of this fall in interest rates, an automatic update of the bulk of "at call" accounts held by pensioners  in banks and building societies will be undertaken at the same time. 152 credit unions covering 92% of all pensioner credit union accounts have also been targeted for an interest rate update.

FI Interest Rates Data

25.A copy of the data used for the update will be provided to all Branch Contact Officers for information. A list of contact officers is attached to this instruction.

Who Is Affected

26.It is estimated that upwards of 70,000 reduced rate service pensioner assessments nationally will be affected.

27.The new deeming rate change applies to all monies in excess of $2000 ($4000 per couple) held by pensioners in cash or on deposits with financial institutions. It also applies to bonds, debentures and loans made, as well as amounts gifted after 21 August 1991.

28.The FI update will be applied to all FI accounts held by pensioners which can be matched; i.e., acounts with interest below and above the deemed rate. This is necessary as change to interest rates where the deeming rate does not apply (e.g. investments below $2000/$4000) will affect pension rate.

29.Where a quarterly  advice letter is produced and there are deeming or FI account changes, additional paragraphs will be inserted covering these changes; where appropriate, a list of all FI accounts and current interest rates will be included.

30.The account details section will be as per the February 1992 refresh; i.e., an alphabetical listing of all valid accounts reported on the FI screen (including accounts which were not updated), plus the interest rate used in the latest assessment.  Balances and account numbers will not be listed.

31.The range of paragraphs and the circumstances under which these will be applied, and the paragraph wording, are shown in attachments to this instruction.


32.Due to the low inquiry/PIR rate resulting from the  20 February 1992 refresh, the collection of statistical information by the Branches will not be required.

ADP Processing

Disposed Asset re-assessment

33.Prior to pension re-assessment processing, a run will occur to adjust the value of any disposed (deprived) asset or income amounts which are due for deletion or depletion because they have reached or passed  their anniversary date.  Where  income/asset values are varied, a suitable paragraph will be added to the quarterly advice during advice formatting.  A "clean-up" run for disposed assets was completed for pay period 06 (17 September) so few cases are expected for payday 07 (1 October 1992).

Early Interface

34.On Friday 11 September, the daily Interface and PMF Update processing runs will be scheduled earlier than usual, so that the Quarterly Advices runs can commence on Friday evening.

35.Interface processing will occur shortly after noon EST on Friday 11 September  for all states excepting WA  which will have interface at 2.00pm EST (ie noon WST).

Moratorium on PIPS data-collection and submission

36.Although PIPS processing can be carried out by Branch staff on the first few days of the relevant payday (payday 07), prior to the weekend runs scheduled for 11-13 September, it is recommended that Branches avoid doing so.  The reasons for this are outlined in the following paragraphs dealing with "frozen" and "non-frozen" action records.

"Frozen" action records

37.The weekend processing runs for Deprived Assets, BRI, FI refresh and deeming will select those pension records requiring re-assessment processing by the BAL assessment program. Thus, cases which have BRI (super types 08 or 09), or which have deprived asset/income anniversaries reached, or which have FI accounts, etc., will be selected for re-assessment.

38.However, the BAL re-assessment program will not update any assessment where a frozen action record exists (SB or PY status); any such cases will be listed for subsequent manual processing by Branch staff.

39.Although not all pension records will be processed by BAL, it is likely that the majority will require re-assessment (even if pension rate remains unchanged). Since there is a significant amount of work involved in manually processing cases with BRI, FI refresh and deeming data items, it is clearly desirable to minimise the number of cases in frozen status as at interface on Friday 11 September.

40.Cases submitted to MS will require determination  early, to allow time for Pension Payments processing (Keyfast data entry). It is suggested that Branches generally avoid submitting to MS during the week prior to the run (i.e., 7-11 Sept).

41.If cases are determined and successfully updated during the first few days of payday 07 (ie prior to the weekend run),  the daily advices produced will have "old" rates of interest, deemed rates, BRI and DP allowances. In these cases only, the advices should be despatched  so that they arrive prior to any quarterly advice produced by the weekend runs.

42.Payment of Telephone Allowance and the generation of a quarterly advice letter are independent of the BAL assessment program. Therefore, payment of TA and advice generation will occur even if there is a frozen action record for the particular client (and therefore no re-assessment occurred).

43.In such a case, the advice will contain the payment box, TA details, and those common paragraphs such as obligations and right of review. There will be no "variation" paragraphs re BRI, FI refresh, etc.

Non-frozen action records

44.The weekend processing runs will be applied to current CDB records even where an action record exists in investigation (IN or RI) status for that assessment.  Although the current assessment will be updated, data in the action record will NOT be updated by the runs.

45.Hence, any action records which are IN or RI status during the weekend processing (i.e., after the early interface on Friday) will require re-examination  prior to being submitted, to ensure that the BRI amounts, FI interest rates, deeming interest rates, deemed rate on money loaned and deprived asset deemed values are all corrected.

46.Since the chances of error are quite significant when manually re-examining a case in IN or RI  status, it is suggested that such cases be returned to RG status, and that no data-collection on any cases be undertaken during the first three days of  pay period 07 (ie 9,10,11 Sept). Normal data-collection and submission would then resume on Monday 14 September (day 4 of the period).


47.Branches could pre-process cases (such as new grants) with an effective date of 1 October 1992 or later, using the new FI interest rates provided to the FI Contact Officer in each Branch; however, these will not be available till about 8 September.

48.A similar procedure could be used for BRI income amounts; i.e., use the "new" exchange rate  from now on.  However, deemed values cannot be adjusted prior to the weekend run, since the value used is system-determined.

49.Hence, it will generally be safer and simpler to avoid having any action records in existence during the weekend runs.


50.As well as minimising the number of frozen actions, the following additional steps should be taken prior to interface on Friday 11 September, to minimise the need for subsequent manual actions:

.ensure any outstanding MS cases are resolved;

.resolve any SP Compare reconciliation edits;

Holding of daily advices

51.Daily payment advices produced for pay period 07 (1 October), and after the 11-13 Sept run,  should be held by Branch Offices until release advice is received from the Quarterly Advices Project Manager in Central Office. This will ensure that pensioners who have pension variations processed for payday 1 October but  after the 11-13 September run will receive their daily advice after the quarterly advice rather than in advance of it.

Despatch of Quarterly Advices

52.The quarterly advices will be progressively lodged with Australia Post by the mailing house in Melbourne, during the period 14-25 September. As soon as each State's advices have been lodged, the CO Project Manager will advise your Branch's contact officer.

Parameter Cards

53.Parameter cards and rate tables have been prepared at Central Office to effect the automatic updating of SDA and other affected DP allowances and list those requiring manual action.  These cards will be input to the system by Central Office.

Limitation Cases

54.Cases for which limitations are in force will have any pension variations performed automatically, but the limitation amount will not be adjusted.  Identification of these cases and any adjustment to the limitation amount must be arranged locally; i.e.,  a listing will NOT be produced as part of the Quarterly Advices run and Branch staff will need to arrange a suitable ADP job as needed.


55.Key timeframes are summarised below. The processing runs will begin in the afternoon of Friday 11 September, and continue throughout the weekend as needed.


Friday 4 Sept 1992Suggested cessation of MS submissions at COB, to ensure no               outstanding MS cases next Friday.

Tue/Wed 8/9 Cutoff for payday 06 (17 Sept), at usual time. Any daily advices September 1992              produced after this cutoff but prior to the 11-13 Sept processing will               contain incorrect rates/data.

Wed 9 - Fri 11 Suggested moratorium on PIPS processing.

September 1992

Friday 11 SeptEarly interface for payday 7 (1 Oct), at noon local time.

Fri 11 Sept (after Deprived asset review, SI, BRI, FI refresh, Deeming runs; BAL interface) to Sun 13               re-assessment run; TA & Quarterly Advices processing runs.

Sept 1992

Mon 14 SeptNew DP allowance rates on system. Normal processing resumes, incl               MS processing.

Daily advices produced from today to be held till Quarterly advices               despatched.

Mon 14 Sept to   Examiner action on manual schedules.

cutoff for payQuarterly Advices progressively lodged with Australia Post from period 07              14 Sept to 25 September.

Fringe Benefits changes

56.Fringe benefit income limits are unchanged, but some pensioners will have variations in fringe benefit eligibility due to income variations.

57.Where fringe benefits (or period of grace)  variations occur, the quarterly advice letters (and where appropriate new PHB/TC or PBC/SPID cards) will be produced at the National Computer Centre (Ferntree)  as a discrete batch with a schedule,  and will be sent to Branch Offices for despatch. Branch Offices may include local proforma letters or leaflets if desired.

58.The fringe benefits paragraphs included in those quarterly advices will request the return of PHB/TC cards for any pensioner losing fringe benefits entirely. It is expected that there will be very few of these.

59.Where fringe benefit variations cause a change in treatment eligibility, there will NOT be a paragraph about the issue or recall of the plastic treatment card. Branches may wish to arrange manual advices for any such cases, of which there should be extremely few. (It is expected to incorporate programming for treatment card paragraphs in subsequent Quarterly Advices runs. )

60.The actual issue of the plastic treatment cards to anyone gaining treatment benefits will be processed through the normal batch system following the run.

Manual Listings

61.The weekend run will produce schedules of cases which cannot be processed automatically by the relevant programs, or which have been processed but require further examination. These listings are discussed in the paragraphs which follow. Where possible, manual processing should be completed before the close-off for the payday.

62.In addition to the schedules for manual action, the Advices system will generate schedules of cases which could not be issued a Quarterly Advice. These schedules will be despatched  separately, after the Quarterly Advices have been lodged, and are not dealt with in this instruction.

63.Cases submitted to MS can be prepared on the schedules provided, by coding the relevant PMF segments and writing the MS consecutive number beside the case, for determination by a delegate in lieu of preparing D408 coding sheets for each case.

64.MS (multiple segment) and manual transactions should be transmitted to the Computer Centre in the normal pension payment daily stream i.e. keyfast description $PENSIO, prior to the cut-off for payday 1 October 1992.

Suspension cases

65.Where a part or total suspension occurs on the PMF, the rate and suspension amount should be re-assessed, and the case processed  through an MS submission.

Disability allowance increases

66.Where possible, SDA will be increased to the new rates before cases are listed for any manual action required.

Frozen Action Records

67.When cases in PY or SB status are encountered by the SI program, update is prohibited because the record is frozen.  The cases need to be unfrozen and re-processed as follows:

.Return case to RI status (Cancel Determination &/or Cancel Submission);

.Re-process case using this SI as the last variation (if effective date is prior to the SI date enter arrears line for effective date);

.Ensure FI account interest rates, deemed amounts and BRI values  are up-to-date;

.Enter advice wordings explaining the FI/BRI/deeming changes as appropriate;

.Submit to MS or DA as appropriate and prepare D408 in MS cases;

.Determine case as per normal.

CDB/PMF mismatch cases

68.Cases will need to be investigated to determine the cause of the discrepancy, then the CDB or PMF corrected as necessary.

Manual Methods of Assessment

69. Service pension cases with a manual MOA need to be manually re-assessed and the new rates processed through the PIPS system as normal.

Manual DP Recorded on the CDB

70. This schedule lists in PMF transaction format cases with the following DP codes on  the CDB:


.COMP (Composite/Proviso 'C')

.DIV 10 (Members of the Defence Force)


71.The DP should be examined, the new rates entered on the screen and the case submitted through MS.   Rates of both SP and DP should be amended as necessary on the schedule.

Assessment Errors

72. The assessment routine will produce information messages as an indication that certain action should be taken as a result of the re-assessment.

73.A number of conditions may exist on the CDB which require additional investigation beyond the normal processing.  The cases listed will already be automatically processed or will appear for action on the schedules.  The conditions are detailed below:

.Last SI not processed - case not processed in the last SI that effected the case.  Check to ensure appropriate SI action was taken.

.Old SI process codes deleted - before SI processing,  any old SI process code (S183) will be deleted.  Action on these will depend on the reason the old process exists, but most will not require any corrective action.

.Manual arrears cases - cases where the current effective date is in advance of the SI date.   Examine cases to ensure any adjustment for the period between the SI date and the current effective date is made.

.Data Base Error detected - these cases will fail SI processing, and should be referred immediately to ADP for action.

.Transaction Generation Errors - the equivalent of Interface errors in normal daily production.  Corrective action as for Interface errors.

Daily Advices

74.Daily advices produced during pay period 07 and after the weekend 12-13 September,  will need to be held in Branch Office until notified by Central Office that the quarterly advices have been despatched.

Liaison with Ferntree Computer Centre (NCC)

75.The Veterans Services Applications Branch will provide NCC with a schedule of computer runs for this exercise.  Benefits SM&S Section will supply an after hours contact number closer to the processing date.

Contact numbers

76.Because of the number of components involved in this ADP processing run, any enquiries should be directed in the first instance to Tony Whelan in Policy Development & Implementation Section, on (06) 289 6386. Facsimile messages should be sent to (06) 289 6553.

Kay Grimsley

Assistant Secretary Income Support

Attachment 1

Financial Institutions Interest Rate Refresh

FI/Deeming Contact Officers


NSWKaren HanssenSSO(02) 213 7106(02) 281 2083

VICWendy HallIS10(03) 284 6213(03) 284 6792

QLDClare McCorrySSO(07) 223 8835(07) 223 8533

SAGraham Del CasaleSSO(08) 213 2414(08) 213 2412

WAMark HodgsonSSO(09) 425 8417(09) 221 3094

TASPhilip BeattieSSO(002) 21 6683(002) 21 6602

Attachment 2

Advices Paragraph Contents

This attachment summarises the sequencing and contents of paragraphs used to explain changes due to Disposed Assets, BRI, FI refresh, Deeming and TA.

Sequencing of paragraphs


Branch Office address & phone no.ALL (V,N,Q,S,W,T,NQ)


File numberALL (incl State indicator)

Name and address ALL


Opening ParagraphALL

Reasons for Assessment Variation:--

  - British Retirement Income IF APPROPRIATE

  - Disposed Assets reviewIF APPROPRIATE

  - Interest Rate Refresh/Deeming IF APPROPRIATE

Payment details headingALL

Payment variation/continuation  ALL

Payment box ALL

Telephone Allowance paragraphIF APPROPRIATE

FI interest rate list IF APPROPRIATE

Fringe Benefits changes paragraphIF APPROPRIATE

Right of Review paragraphIF APPROPRIATE

Financial Obligations All SP except some blinded

Authority to impose obligationsALL SP

Changed CircumstancesALL SP

Release of Information paraALL

Closing paragraphALL

Signature blockALL (STATE SPECIFIC)

British Retirement Income

Exchange Rate Variation: British Retirement Income

The value of your (variable 1)British Retirement Income has been varied as a result of an exchange rate variation.  The exchange rate that now applies is (variable 2) equals 1 Pound Sterling.

Exchange rates for foreign currencies can fluctuate as often as 4 times a day.  In order to minimise variations to your rate of service pension because of these fluctuations, this Department uses an average exchange rate to calculate the value of your income from British Retirement Income payments.  We review this rate 4 times a year, in March, June, September and December.  The average rate is calculated by obtaining the exchange rate from the Commonwealth Bank for every working day in July (or January, April, October) for the Pound Sterling to the Dollar Australian.  This is then averaged and used as the exchange rate until the next review.

Variable 1:

. Assessments with BRI only - insert a space

.Assessments with Indexed BRI only - insert word indexed

.Assessments with both BRI & Indexed BRI - insert clause indexed and non-indexed

Variable 2: Insert dollar sign plus dollar value of exchange rate eg $2.5549

FI Interest Rates Refresh & Deeming

There will be a Heading and opening  paragraph, and optionally a paragraph re listing of accounts plus the FI Account Listing, as follows:

Group A:  All paragraphs to be used where there is a change in assessed income due to the actual interest rate refresh and/or the deemed interest rate change, for the following:

. Financial Institutions only; OR

. Financial Institutions only AND money loaned and/or Deprived  Assets

Group B:  Heading and opening paragraphs only, where there is a change in assessed income due to the deemed interest rate change for the following:

. Money Loaned and/or Deprived Assets AND no financial accounts recorded OR no assessed income change for FI.

Change in Interest Rates and Change to the Deeming Rate

Recently some financial institutions have varied their interest rates on deposit accounts (savings, passbook, statement and cheque).

Because of the change in interest rates the Government has decided to vary the assumed, or deemed, interest rate on pensioner savings from (variable 1) to (variable 2).  This new deemed rate also applies to money on loan and disposed assets. Your details have been amended.

Variable 1:old percentage interest rate - eg  6%

Variable 2:new  percentage interest rate - eg  5%

Paragraph re listing of accounts

Included in this letter are interest rates we now have recorded for all your bank, building society or credit union account(s). Interest rates on your deposit account(s) have been changed automatically for you, but this does not include fixed deposits, or overseas accounts.

Account listing (sample  layout)

Your Accounts and Interest Rates%







Deprivation cases

Review Of Disposed Assets

Included in the calculation of your service pension is an amount to cover assets you gifted or disposed of above the allowable limit. When an asset is gifted or disposed of, the asset and any related income is held in your pension assessment for five years.

Any assets which you disposed of more than five years ago have been deleted from your pension assessment. Any remaining assets disposed of prior to 1 March 1991 have had their assessed value reduced by 10%.

Telephone Allowance

If TA is paid only to veteran/mariner at WW1 rate:

New Rate of Telephone Allowance

Your Telephone Allowance has been increased to (variable 1) per quarter to meet the new telephone rental charge announced recently. This new quarterly rate will be paid on (variable 2). This amount is in addition to your fortnightly payments of pension and allowances, which are set out above.

Telephone Allowance will be paid each quarter. Your next payment of Telephone Allowance will be on 7 January 1993. You must tell us if you cease to be a telephone subscriber.

Variable 1:WW1 rate of TA , incl dollar sign - eg $41.30

Variable 2:Effective payday for TA payment

Where the veteran/mariner at World War 1 rate and partner at the Base rate:

New Rate of Telephone Allowance

You receive two rates of Telephone Allowance, the World War 1 rate and the general rate. The World War 1 rate has been increased to (variable 1) per quarter to meet the new telephone rental charge announced recently. The general rate has been increased to (variable 2) in line with movements in the Consumer Price Index. The new quarterly rates will be paid on (variable 3). These amounts are in addition to your fortnightly payments of pension and allowances, which are set out above.

Telephone Allowance will be paid each quarter. Your next payment of Telephone Allowance will be on 7 January 1993. You must tell us if you cease to be a telephone subscriber.

Variable 1:WW1 rate of TA , including dollar sign - eg $41.30

Variable 2:Base rate of TA, including dollar sign - eg $13.20

Variable 3:Effective payday for TA payment - eg 1 October 1992

Other pensioners eligible for TA  (Base Rate or half the Base Rate):

Indexation of Telephone Allowance

Your Telephone Allowance has been increased in line with the Consumer Price lndex. The new quarterly rate of (variable 1) will be paid on (variable 2). This amount is in addition to your fortnightly payments of pension and allowances, which are set out above.

Telephone Allowance will be paid each quarter. Your next payment of Telephone Allowance will be on 7 January 1993. You must tell us if you cease to be a telephone subscriber.

Variable 1:

Joint assessments - TA rate (half base rate each) plus literal "each "   - eg $6.60 each

Illness-separated  - TA rate (base rate each)  plus the literal "each "   - eg $13.20 each

Spouse paid at DSS - TA rate (half base rate) - eg $6.60

Others (W/W, DP, single SP) - TA rate (base rate) - eg $13.20

Variable 2:Effective payday for TA payment - eg 1 October 1992

Fringe Benefits changes

Common first paragraph

Fringe Benefits

Fringe Benefits are benefits and concessions of various kinds, additional to your assessed rate of pension, made available to you by the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments and authorities and local authorities.  Eligibility for fringe benefits is based on certain income and assets limits.  (Variable Text - Sentences)

Pensioner with no Fringe Benefits, not in grace period, gains Fringe Benefits:

As your income and assets are below these limits, you are now eligible for service pension fringe benefits. I have enclosed Pensioner Health Benefits and Transport Concession cards. Instructions on how to use the Pensioner Health Benefit card and the concessions available to you are shown on the back of the cards. Please read this information carefully and sign both cards with a ballpoint pen.

Pensioner with Fringe Benefits (or in Grace period) loses Fringe Benefits:

As your income and assets are equal to or above these limits you are no longer eligible for service pension fringe benefits. Please return your Pensioner Health Benefits and Transport Concession cards.

I have enclosed Pharmaceutical  Benefits Concession and Service Pensioner Identification cards. Instructions on how to use the Pharmaceutical Benefits Concession card and the concession available to you are shown on the back of the card. Please read this information carefully and sign both cards with a ballpoint pen.

Pensioner currently in Grace period regains Fringe Benefits:

As your income and assets are now below these limits, you retain eligibility for service pension fringe benefits.  You will therefore not be asked to return your fringe benefits cards as previously advised.

Pensioner loses Fringe Benefits and goes onto Grace period:

As your income and assets are now equal to or above these limits you are no longer eligible for service pension fringe benefits.  However, as your income remains within 25% of the cut-off limit you still qualify for fringe benefits until  (variable). I will contact you again closer to that date to request you to return your fringe benefits cards.
