Covert optical surveillance is an activity that intrudes into the privacy of individuals in an extreme way. An individual should be placed under covert surveillance only after careful consideration of whether there are sufficient public reasons to justify that course of action. (Source: Privacy Commissioner, February 1992)

Within the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission (MRCC), covert optical surveillance is to be used prudently and only within the parameters outlined below and in accordance with the broad principles of natural justice.

Natural justice means in this context that decisions taken in relation to the use of covert optical surveillance are only taken fairly, in good faith, without bias and having due regard to the views of the individuals observed. Where possible and appropriate in the circumstances, those individuals will be given an opportunity to state their case prior to any decision being taken that could adversely affect them.

Where there is any doubt as to how to apply natural justice in the above situation, local MRCC Managers or staff in the Policy and Procedures Section of MRCC National Office, Canberra should be consulted.