A student is considered to be living away from home if they reside away from their family (or primary) home for educational reasons.  If a person is married, they are considered to be living at home as their home with their partner is considered to be their primary home.  Likewise, a student who enters a de facto relationship is considered to be living at home once the nature of the relationship has been established.

Students who have married or entered a de facto relationship while on the scheme are no longer eligible for Living Away From Home rate (or Rent Assistance) if they were previously receiving it.  This is because it is considered that they have established their own home and are no longer dependent on the previously supporting parent.

If a student is receiving the living away from home rate and he or she marries, or declares him or herself to be in a de facto relationships (and meets the definition), then payment is reduced to the living at home rate from the date of notification of the change in their living circumstances.

Note: as of 1 January 2010, there is no longer any 12 month test applied to students in de facto relationships.

The student then has the option of transferring to Youth Allowance/Austudy as an independent student.

Double Orphans who marry continue to be eligible for the Double Orphan rate and Rent Assistance.

The VCES Secretary must have confirming information from the student as to the change in circumstances before making any variation to the education allowance.