Departmental Instruction


July 2010 – Reassessment of Comsuper and Victorian State and Victorian Vision Superannuation Pensions

Amends DI No.


Replaces DI No.


Purpose of instruction

The purpose of this Departmental Instruction is to provide information about the July 2010 reassessment of ComSuper (including Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS), Public Sector Superannuation Scheme (PSS), Defence Forces Retirement and Death Benefits Scheme (DFRDB) & Military Superannuation and Benefits Scheme (MSBS)), Victorian State super and Victorian Vision super pensions.


Deviating from the normal practice of having Comsuper processing run on its own, we are combining the Comsuper and DFRDB updating with the Victorian State super and Victorian Vision updating into one processing run for July 2010.

ComSuper pensions are adjusted bi-annually in January and July.  The cost of living increase to be applied to the July 2010 adjustment is 1.4%.

The cost of living increase to be applied to Victorian State and Victorian Vision super rates in July 2010 is 1.5%.

Processing date

Reassessment processing to reflect the July 2010 CPI increases to ComSuper, Victorian State and Victorian Vision superannuation pensions will be conducted over two evenings:

  • QLD & VIC on Monday, 12 July 2010; and
  • NSW, TAS, SA & WA on Tuesday, 13 July 2010.

Following the completion of the processing, the data file will be transmitted to the mailing house for printing and lodgment of the advices with Australia Post.

Effective date

The effective date of the reassessment will be 13 July 2010.

On pension payday 29 July 2010, pensioners will receive a full instalment at the new assessed rate.

Advice letter target audience

A letter will be produced for income support pensioners in receipt of ComSuper ((CSS & PSS), (DFRDB & MSBS)), Victorian State super or Victorian Vision super and whose pension has been varied by the reassessment run.  There will be approximately 21,000 advice letters produced nationally.

Advices Content and Presentation

The advice will comprise 2 pages; a letter and a Payment Information Attachment.  The advice will inform clients of the outcome to their pension reassessment and provide information on gross superannuation income, deductible and/or non-deductible amounts.  The information relating to their super payment is presented in a tabular format.

The advice will also provide the client with their Financial Obligations (prescribed rates) and a right of review.

Please see Attachment A which shows a sample of:

  • A ComSuper advice for clients with a deductible amount; and
  • A ComSuper advice for clients without a deductible amount
  • A ComSuper advice for clients with both a deductible and non-deductible amount.

DFISA Payments - Impact on Advices

All DVA age pensioners who are eligible to commence payment of Defence Force Income Support Allowance (DFISA) or whose DFISA payment is varied, continued or cancelled will receive an advice letter following the processing run.

Printing and mailing of advice letters

The advice letters will be printed and mailed through the Department's contracted mailing house, SALMAT.  All letters will be lodged with Australia Post as a national lodgment by COB Friday, 16 July 2010.

Letters for Tasmanian State Office Overseas Addressees

The advice letters produced for Tasmanian State Office clients who have an overseas address will be printed, enveloped and sent from the mailing house.

DVA – Income Support Contact Officers

A contact person from each location acts as a liaison point for the Advices Team, and to assist with handling of streamed advices printed at each nominated location printers.

The Income Support (IS) Contacts for the July 2010 ComSuper processing exercise are as follows:

NSW:   Genia Sacharczuk

VIC:      Arthur Morihovitis

QLD:    Steve Jensen

SA:       Maria Nasilowski

WA:      Michelle Pauly

TAS:     Bryon Kelly

Enclosure (Treatment change) Advice Letters

Following the July 2010 ComSuper processing, the Enclosure (treatment change) letters will be printed at the nominated printer at each state office location.

It is requested that the streamed advice letters be checked for accuracy, and reconciled against the reports received in each location to ensure they reflect the correct treatment paragraphs.

If any advice with incorrect treatment information is found, please consult with the Income Support System Support Officers to ensure correct information is provided in the manual replacement advice.

Reduction to Nil Letters

Following the July 2010 ComSuper processing, any Reduction to Nil advice letters will be printed at the nominated printer for each location.  Staff are required to include a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card (CSHC) claim form, a CSHC fact sheet and a reply paid envelope.

'Held' advices to be forced

As part of the batch processing run any advices in 'held' status will be forced to print.  Forced 'held' advices will print at the nominated printer in each Office.

Location of printers

The streamed advices are to be printed at the following printers:

NSW  - N607P (changed from N604P)

QLD   - Q403P

SA     - S116P

TAS   - T003P

VIC    - V011P

WA    - W014P


For Advice issues – Anissa Lam (02) 9213 7169 or Vasu Sarpeshkar (02) 9213 7234

For Systems issues – Kevin Chapman (02) 6289 6749.

John Sadeik

National Manager

Income Support

6 July 2010



GPO Box 9998, Brisbane  QLD  4001


Contact:              Brisbane Office

Telephone: Macarthur Tower

              259 Queen Street

              Brisbane QLD 4000

123 456 789  044              Postal Address:

JOHN SMITH              GPO Box 9998 Brisbane QLD 4001


29 MARGARET STREET              Telephone:

IPSWICH   QLD   4010              Capital city callers: 133 254

              Non-Capital city callers: 1800 555 254

              Facsimile: (07) 3223 8479

              13 July 2010

              YOUR FILE NUMBER IS QX123456

Dear Mr and Mrs SMITH,

This is to advise that your T-PENSION-SP-ISS-AP has been reduced.  This change will take effect from 13 July 2010.

Payment Information
Details of your payments are provided in the Payment Information Attachment.

Superannuation Pension Reassessment
Your superannuation fund has notified Veterans' Affairs of the new income details for your superannuation pension.  The new income details are shown in the table below.  This income is used to work out the rate of your T-PENSION-SP-ISS-AP.



Gross Income

Deductible Amount

(tax free component)

Assessed Income


ComSuper (CSS & PSS)




Financial Obligations

You need to tell us within 14 days (28 days if you are living overseas or receive remote are allowance) if your combined gross income from all sources is more than $xxx.xx per fortnight or the value of your combined assets is more than $xxx,000.00.

Your Right of Review
If you do not agree with this variation to your pension, you may apply to have it reviewed by a Review Officer at this office.  If you do decide to apply, you must do so within three months of being advised of this decision.  Such a request for review must be in writing, and must set out your reasons for seeking this review.

If you have any questions about any of the above matters please contact this office at the address or telephone number shown at the top of this letter.

Yours sincerely,


Deputy Commissioner

As Delegate of the Secretary and Repatriation Commission


The Department now calculates service pension payments on a daily basis.  This means that your fortnightly pension payment is made up of 14 days of entitlement of pension.  Therefore, when there is a change to your circumstances on any particular day in the fortnight - your pension will be adjusted from that day.  For that reason your pension payment may be different for one or two paydays after a reassessment.

Payment for 29 July 2010Veteran Partner

TOTAL FORTNIGHTLY PAYMENTxxx.xx         xxx.xx

This is made up of:

- xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx          xxx.xx

- xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx    x.xx              x.xx


GPO Box 9998, Brisbane  QLD  4001


Contact:              Brisbane Office

Telephone: Macarthur Tower

              259 Queen Street

              Brisbane QLD  4000

123 456 789  027              Postal Address:

JEFFREY LYONS              GPO Box 9998 Brisbane QLD 4001


30 ELIZABETH STREET              Telephone:

TOOWOOMBA   QLD   4010              Capital city callers: 133 254

              Non-Capital city callers: 1800 555 254

              Facsimile: (07) 3223 8479

              13 July 2010

              YOUR FILE NUMBER IS QX123456

Dear Mr and Mrs LYONS,

This is to advise that your service pension has been reduced.  This change will take effect from 13 July2010.

Payment Information
Details of your payments are provided in the Payment Information Attachment.

Superannuation Pension Reassessment
Your superannuation fund has notified Veterans' Affairs of the new income details for your superannuation pension.  The new income details are shown in the table below.  This income is used to work out the rate of your T-PENSION-SP-ISS-AP.



Assessed Income


ComSuper (DFRDB & MSBS)



ComSuper (CSS & PSS)


Financial Obligations

You need to tell us within 14 days (28 days if you are living overseas or receive remote are allowance) if your combined gross income from all sources is more than $xxx.xx per fortnight or the value of your combined assets is more than $xxx,000.00.

Your Right of Review
If you do not agree with this variation to your pension, you may apply to have it reviewed by a Review Officer at this office.  If you do decide to apply, you must do so within three months of being advised of this decision.  Such a request for review must be in writing, and must set out your reasons for seeking this review.

If you have any questions about any of the above matters please contact this office at the address or telephone number shown at the top of this letter.

Yours sincerely,


Deputy Commissioner

As Delegate of the Secretary and Repatriation Commission


The Department now calculates service pension payments on a daily basis.  This means that your fortnightly pension payment is made up of 14 days of entitlement of pension.  Therefore, when there is a change to your circumstances on any particular day in the fortnight - your pension will be adjusted from that day.  For that reason your pension payment may be different for one or two paydays after a reassessment.

Payment for 29 July 2010 Veteran Partner

TOTAL FORTNIGHTLY PAYMENTxxx.xx         xxx.xx

This is made up of:

- xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx          xxx.xx

- xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx    x.xx              x.xx


GPO Box 9998, Brisbane  QLD  4001


Contact:              Brisbane Office

Telephone: Macarthur Tower

              259 Queen Street

              Brisbane QLD 4000

123 456 789  015              Postal Address:

PETER CLARK              GPO Box 9998 Brisbane QLD 4001


BRISBANE  QLD  4000              Telephone:

              Capital city callers: 133 254

              Non-Capital city callers: 1800 555 254

              Facsimile: (07) 3223 8479

              13 July 2010

              YOUR FILE NUMBER IS QX123456

Dear Mr CLARK,

This is to advise that your service pension has been reduced.  This change will take effect from 13 July 2010.

Payment Information
Details of your payments are provided in the Payment Information Attachment.

Superannuation Pension Reassessment
Your superannuation fund has notified Veterans' Affairs of the new income details for your superannuation pension.  The new income details are shown in the table below.  This income is used to work out the rate of your T-PENSION-SP-ISS-AP.



Gross Income

Deductible Amount

(tax free component)

Assessed Income


ComSuper (CSS & PSS)





ComSuper (DFRDB & MSBS)




Financial Obligations

You need to tell us within 14 days (28 days if you are living overseas or receive remote are allowance) if your gross income from all sources is more than $xxx.xx per fortnight or the value of your assets is more than $xxx,000.00.

Your Right of Review
If you do not agree with this variation to your pension, you may apply to have it reviewed by a Review Officer at this office.  If you do decide to apply, you must do so within three months of being advised of this decision.  Such a request for review must be in writing, and must set out your reasons for seeking this review.

If you have any questions about any of the above matters please contact this office at the address or telephone number shown at the top of this letter.

Yours sincerely,


Deputy Commissioner

As Delegate of the Secretary and Repatriation Commission


The Department now calculates service pension payments on a daily basis.  This means that your fortnightly pension payment is made up of 14 days of entitlement of pension.  Therefore, when there is a change to your circumstances on any particular day in the fortnight - your pension will be adjusted from that day.  For that reason your pension payment may be different for one or two paydays after a reassessment.

Payment for 29 JULY 2010


This is made up of:

- xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxx.xx

- xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx        x.xx