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Cutaneous contact with bipyridyl compounds associated with paraquat manufacture

Last amended 
14 June 2015

Solar keratosis - Cutaneous contact with bipyridyl compounds associated with paraquat manufacture Factor

The SOP refers to cutaneous contact with “bipyridyl compounds associated with paraquat manufacture”.  The RMA has defined paraquat as meaning “a dipyridilium compound whose dichloride and dimethylsulphate salts are used as contact herbicides”.

General information

The chemical name of the bipyridine used in paraquat manufacture is 4,4’-bipyridinium.  A bipyridyl compound therefore must be based on 4,4’-bipyridinium and not any other form such as 2,2’-bipyridinium (synonym 2,2’-dipyridyl).  Diquat, a herbicide, is based on 2,2'-dipyridylium and is not an example that meets the definition.

Gramoxone is the commercial name for the paraquat herbicide used by the Australian Forces in Vietnam.

Paraquat has been available commercially since 1961.  Paraquat is highly toxic herbicide.  Between 1975 and 1977 a stenching agent, an emetic to induce vomiting, and a blue dye were added, to nearly all products, to prevent accidental poisoning.  Personal protection would require overalls, face shield, goggles, mask or respirator, elbow-length impervious gloves, splash apron and rubber boots.  Contact with the skin can cause inflammation, blistering and white spots on the nails.  Treatment would usually require immediate washing with water then soap and water.

Last reviewed for CCPS 20 April 2005.

Investigative Documents
TypeTitlePDF FormatWord Format
Claimant ReportCutaneous Contact with Paraquat CR9240.pdfCR9240.docx
reliminary questions [34691]

34692 there is some evidence that cutaneous contact with bipyridyl compounds associated with paraquat manufacture may be a factor in the development of the condition under consideration.

34693 the veteran has had cutaneous contact of side and site of the body with bipyridyl compounds associated with paraquat manufacture at some time.

34694 the veteran had cutaneous contact of side and site of the body with bipyridyl compounds associated with paraquat manufacture on more days than not for a cumulative period of at least five years.

34695 the veteran had cutaneous contact of side and site of the body with bipyridyl compounds associated with paraquat manufacture on more days than not for a cumulative period of at least five years before the clinical onset of the condition under consideration.

34696  the veteran has established the causal connection between cutaneous contact with bipyridyl compounds associated with paraquat manufacture and operational service for the clinical onset of non-melanotic malignant neoplasm of the skin.

Clinical onset and operational service [34696]

34697 operational service made a material contribution to the veteran having cutaneous contact of side and site of the body with bipyridyl compounds associated with paraquat manufacture on more days than not for a cumulative period of at least five years before the clinical onset of the condition under consideration.