Rehabilitation Policy Library
3 The Rehabilitation Process
- 3.12 Veterans Payment
Date amended:
Commencing 1 May 2018 a new income support payment, Veteran Payment (VP), provides eligible veterans with early access to whole of person rehabilitation and short term financial support while a veteran is waiting for a claim for liability to be determined under either the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act (Defence-related claims) 1988 (DRCA) or Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA).
VP was instigated following a recommendation in the Government’s response to The Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee Report on the Inquiry into suicide and self-harm in the veteran community. The response, The Constant Battle: Suicide by Veterans, included this initiative which is intended to deliver better support for veterans and their families.
Previous to the commencement date of VP, veterans who had submitted a claim for a mental health condition, and who weren’t eligible for financial assistance from DVA for any other accepted conditions, would need to approach Centrelink for financial assistance.