Rehabilitation Policy Library
3 The Rehabilitation Process
- 3.1 The DVA Rehabilitation Case Management Pathway
Date amended:
The following table provides a very general overview of the pathway as a client progresses through the DVA claims and rehabilitation system from the submission of their claim through to the closure of their rehabilitation plan.
Pathway Steps | Further details |
CLIENT SUBMITS CLAIM | Compensation claim is determined and if DVA accepts liability...
NEEDS ASSESSMENT | A needs assessment is undertaken to identify the client's medical, income support, rehabilitation, permanent impairment and other needs. For more information, see Needs Assessment on DVA website.
OTHER SOURCES OF REHABILITATION REFERRALS | R&C Liability delegate, R&C Incapacity Payments delegate, self-referral (incl. VVRS), GP or treating specialist.
DVA REHABILITATION DELEGATE | Referral received by a DVA Rehabilitation Delegate for action to address any identified urgent and longer-term needs.
REFERRAL TO REHABILITATION PROVIDER | DVA Rehabilitation Delegate refers the client to an approved DVA Rehabilitation Provider for a Rehabilitation Assessment to be undertaken and also for the development of a Rehabilitation Plan. For more information, see section 3.3 in this library. Note: This is a formal determination point and as such is a reviewable decision.
Note: This is a formal determination point and as such is a reviewable decision.
PROGRESS REPORTS | Reviewing and monitoring of rehabilitation activities via Progress Reports. For more information, see section 3.8.5 in this library.
For more information, see section 3.8.4 in this library.
PLAN CLOSURE | Closure of the Rehabilitation Plan generally occurs when: all rehabilitation goals have been met, the program is no longer appropriate for the client, the client withdraws or is non-compliant with their plan. For more information, see section 3.10 in this library. Note: This is a formal determination point and as such is a reviewable decision.