Date amended:

It is the role of the Rehabilitation Coordinator to assist the client's recovery and improved functioning as effectively as possible.

One of the most positive steps in assisting with a client's recovery is making a referral to an approved rehabilitation service provider for a full or specific rehabilitation assessment. These assessments are a requirement for all DVA's rehabilitation clients. Consistent with section 44 of the MRCA, section 36 of the DRCA and section 1.2.2 of the VVRS Instrument, these assessments must be completed, with recommendations, before any rehabilitation services can be approved.

Once the decision has been made to refer a client, an approved rehabilitation service provider is sought to undertake the assessment of the client's needs and capability to undertake rehabilitation.

The Rehabilitation Coordinator is required to make a request in writing for the specific provider to undertake the rehabilitation assessment and other specific assessment as required (e.g. a home assessment or a vocational assessment).

As part of the referral, the Rehabilitation Coordinator is to provide the rehabilitation service provider with a transaction record number (TRN) and when contacted by the rehabilitation provider, a password to enable the provider to access relevant and appropriate information sourced from the client's file, such as medical reports, copies of ADFRP rehabilitation plans etc.

The date of the referral is to be recorded in R&C ISH to indicate the critical and mandatory timeframes involved from referral to the service provider to completion and receipt of the assessment report:

  • 7 calendar days for the service provider to contact the client and begin the assessment process; and
  • 21 calendar days for completion of the assessment report, as outlined in the instructions in section 3.8.1 of this Library.

The Rehabilitation Coordinator is to ensure that:

  • the client is to be kept informed of the referral process, both directly and in writing;
  • client confidentiality is to be maintained; and
  • the progress is monitored through the referral and to the completion of the assessment.