Compensation and Support Reference Library
Commission Guidelines
- CM7014 MRCC181 - Guidelines for Psychiatric Compensation Claims
Guidelines for Psychiatric Compensation Claims made under the:
Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA)
Safety Rehabilitation and Compensation Act (Defence-related Claims) 1988 (DRCA)
Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA)
These Guidelines replace CM5832 of 2005.
These Guidelines are not directives and should not be used as a substitute for the proper application of the law to the particular circumstances of each case. They set out the Commissions' position on diagnosing, investigating, determining and assessing psychiatric conditions. The Guidelines indicate the way the Commissions consider the legislation should be applied.
Structure of these Guidelines
The structure of these Guidelines is:
Part 1 - For Psychiatrists: Diagnostic & Assessment Guidelines
Part 1A - Clinical Psychologists
Part 2 - For Claims Assessors: Investigation Guidelines for Psychiatric Conditions
Attachment A - Posthumous Diagnosis of Psychiatric Conditions
Attachment B - Current Schedule of Fees for Psychiatrists
Attachment C - Compliance with Diagnostic Protocol for PTSD