Date amended:
Statements of Principles

Cerebral ischaemia - A potential source of cerebral embolus Factor

This means a condition or a medical procedure, capable of leading to a blood clot which travels to the brain.  The RMA has defined a potential source of cerebral embolus as being the presence of at least one of the following:

(a)        acute myocardial infarction; or

(b)        any of the following causes of cerebral arterial embolism:

  1. cardiac hydatid cysts; or
  2. decompression sickness; or
  3. foreign body penetration into an artery within the head, neck or chest; or
  4. primary or secondary cardiac tumours; or
  5. primary or secondary lung tumours; or
  6. pulmonary barotrauma; or
  7. severe bone trauma; or

(c)        any of the following means of paradoxical embolism:

(i)         atrial septal defect; or

(ii)        patent foramen ovale; or

(iii)       pulmonary arteriovenous fistula; or

(iv)       ventricular septal defect; or

(d)       any of the following mitral or aortic valve disorders:

  1. calcification; or
  2. Lambl's excrescences; or
  3. mitral valve prolapse; or
  4. prosthetic valve; or
  5. regurgitation; or
  6. stenosis; or
  7. valvulitis; or

(e)        any of the following procedures within the seven days before the clinical onset of cerebral ischaemia:

  1. cardiac surgery or cardiac catheterisation; or
  2. catheterisation of or injection into the arteries supplying the affected area of the brain; or
  3. orthopaedic surgery; or
  4. surgery involving the arteries supplying the affected area of the brain; or
  5. surgery or medical procedures involving the pulmonary veins; or

(f)        atrial fibrillation (intermittent or sustained); or

(g)       cardiomyopathy; or

(h)        infective or non-infective (marantic) endocarditis; or

(i)         left atrial aneurysm or dilatation; or

(j)         left ventricular aneurysm; or

(k)        left ventricular dyskinesia; or

(l)         sick sinus syndrome; or

(m)       thrombus formation within the pulmonary vein, left atrium, left ventricle or arteries supplying the affected area of the brain;

Last reviewed for CCPS 24 May 2007.

Investigative Documents
Type Title PDF Format Word Format
Medical Report
Potential Source of Cerebral Embolus
Preliminary questions [12582]

37884 the veteran has had a potential source of cerebral embolus as specified in the Statement of Principles for cerebrovascular accident at some time.

37885  a potential source of cerebral embolus as specified in the Statement of Principles for cerebrovascular accident is an illness or injury which is identifiable.

25420 the veteran had the identified illness or injury, a potential source of cerebral embolus, at the time of the clinical onset of the condition under consideration, a cerebrovascular accident.

12749  the veteran has established the causal connection between the potential source of cerebral embolus and VEA service for the clinical onset of cerebrovascular accident.

12750   the veteran has established the causal connection between the potential source of cerebral embolus and operational service for the clinical onset of cerebrovascular accident.


12751   the veteran has established the causal connection between the potential source of cerebral embolus and eligible service for the clinical onset of cerebrovascular accident.

Clinical onset and operational service [12750]

12752  the identified illness or injury, a potential source of cerebral embolus, is causally related to operational service.

Clinical onset and eligible service [12751]

12753  the identified illness or injury, a potential source of cerebral embolus, is causally related to eligible service.