Rehabilitation Policy Library
2 Legislative Provisions
2.8 Travel and Accommodation Costs
- 2.8.4 Travel and accommodation provisions where a client is entitled to costs relating to travel for treatment or a rehabilitation assessment
Date amended:
Prior to approval, a delegate should first confirm that the client is reasonably required to travel for the purpose of attending a:
- medical treatment;
- rehabilitation assessment; or
- approved rehabilitation activity.
Prior to undertaking the travel the client should be fully briefed of these provisions and the requirements they will be expected to meet, with a file note confirming this activity.
DVA will pay reasonable costs for travel required to undertake the approved treatment and rehabilitation activities. This may include:
- air/bus/train/taxi fares; or
- a kilometre allowance (if using private vehicle).
DVA will pay reasonable costs for accommodation and meals required to undertake the approved treatment and rehabilitation activities. This may include:
- accommodation costs (commercial or non commercial); and
- a meals and incidental allowance, where required.
For other journey and accommodation related matters, please refer to section 9.1.1 in the MRCA Policy Manual and section 90.2 of the DRCA General Handbook and section 90.7 of the DRCA General Handbook.
Clients must lodge their claim for reimbursement of travel expenses for an approved journey within 12 months of undertaking the travel. Delegates have the discretion to extend this timeframe on a case by case basis, based on individual circumstances.
On their return from the approved journey, the client is to retain evidence of the travel and accommodation costs associated with the treatment expense incurred or attendance at the approved rehabilitation activity for a period of four months after their claim for reimbursement of travel expenses has been determined by a delegate.
Clients must provide these receipts, if requested, within this four month period.
Where the client incurs additional travel or accommodation costs beyond their control, which were not initially approved, they are to provide receipts for those additional costs before reimbursement is considered.
Where the client stays in:
- commercial accommodation, DVA should, where possible, arrange the accommodation to gain benefit of corporate contracted rates and the current DVA employee travel rates (the full non-SES DVA Travel Allowance, taking into account the times travelled) will be used as a guide to payment of costs.
- non-commercial accommodation (i.e. staying with family or friends), then the non-commercial accommodation allowance (provided under the non-SES DVA Travel Allowance) equivalent to the current rate used for DVA employees is applied.
The DVA Travel Allowance Calculator and or DVA Travel Management Systems are to be used as the accepted guide in determining the applicable allowance and amounts. The Calculator takes into account the times travelled and any accommodation requirement.
Note: This policy is consistent with, and based on, the DVA Secretary's Instruction titled: Domestic Travel for Other than APS Employees and the DVA Official Domestic Travel Policy.