Rehabilitation Policy Library
2 Legislative Provisions
2.8 Travel and Accommodation Costs
- 2.8.1 Travel for VVRS
Date amended:
Under section 4.2.1 of the VVRS Instrument, accommodation and travel assistance can be provided to VVRS clients who live in rural and remote areas and who are required to travel a substantial distance for a rehabilitation assessment or training program.
VVRS clients are expected to meet their own travel and parking costs which would be incurred by people in similar circumstances in metropolitan areas. Financial hardship cases can be considered, however, no provision exists for meal allowances or carer costs.
The amount for travel reimbursement is made at the current Repatriation Transport Scheme (RTS) rate for private vehicles and public transport.
Travel and accommodation assistance is not available for travel to attend a job interview and ceases altogether once the VVRS client commences paid employment.
For more information refer to section 12.5.2 in this Library.