Rehabilitation Policy Library
2 Legislative Provisions
2.4 The Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA)
- 2.4.5 Alterations, Aids and Appliances Relating to Rehabilitation
Date amended:
Part 3 of Chapter 3 in MRCA provides that where:
- a client has suffered an injury or illness resulting in an impairment; and
- they are undertaking a rehabilitation program or been assessed as not able to undertake a rehabilitation program;
the rehabilitation authority may pay compensation for the cost of:
- alterations to a client's place of residence or work; or
- any aids or appliances including the repair and replacement of such aids and appliances;
that are reasonably required due to the nature of the client's impairment.
Where a client holds a DVA Health Card, consideration must first be given to whether aids, appliances and alterations that are reasonably required can be provided through the Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP). Where the item cannot be provided through RAP, or the client does not hold a DVA Health Card, consideration may be given to whether the aid, appliance or alteration can be provided through the rehabilitation provisions. Please note, for vehicle requests for MRCA clients, including modifications to vehicles, the Motor Vehicle Compensation Scheme (MVCS) should be considered rather than RAP. Further information about the MVCS can be found in section 10.12 of this library.
For more information about provision of aids, appliances and alterations, please refer to chapter 10 of this Library.