Military Compensation SRCA Manuals and Resources Library
Liability Handbook
Ch 6 Claims for Compensation
6.13 Withdrawal of a Claim for Compensation
- 6.13.4 After receipt by the Location but priorand after claim details have been recorded to recording the claim details on DEFCARE
Date amended:
If a request to have a claim for rehabilitation and compensation withdrawn is made by a member, and the claim form has been received within the office, a file has been raised and the claim has been registered on aDVAnce/PRS, but the claim has not been recorded on Defcare the following action is to be taken:
a)The request to have the claim form withdrawn can be received in writing or verbally from the member/ex members or their legal representatives.
b)Defcare is to be updated as follows:
- the Condition Determined field is to have 'Withdrawn' input
- the Determined date field is to have the date the letter is signed input, and
- the file is to be put away – with the claimants written withdrawal request and the acknowledgement of withdrawal letter.
c)A letter is to be sent to the member/ex member advising that their claim for rehabilitation and compensation has been withdrawn as requested. A Standard letter is provided in the Defcare letters for this purpose.