SOP Information
SOPs and Supporting Information – alphabetic listing
C to D
Diverticular Disease of the Colon J005
Rulebase for diverticular disease of the colon
- Inability to consume sufficient dietary fibre
Diverticular disease of the colon - Inability to consume sufficient dietary fibre Factor
Last reviewed for CCPS 20 August 2008.
Investigative Documents
Preliminary questions [7827]
there is some evidence that an inability to consume sufficient dietary fibre may be a factor in the development of the condition under consideration.7836 the veteran was unable to consume an average daily intake of at least 30 grams of dietary fibre, or a cumulative total of 54,750 grams of dietary fibre, within the five years before the clinical onset of diverticular disease of the colon.
7837 — the veteran has established the causal connection between an inability to consume sufficient dietary fibre and operational service for the clinical onset of diverticular disease of the colon.
Clinical onset and operational service [7837]
the veteran's inability to consume an average daily intake of at least 30 grams of dietary fibre, or a cumulative total of 54,750 grams of dietary fibre, within the five years before the clinical onset of diverticular disease of the colon, was materially contributed by operational service. the veteran's inability to consume an average daily intake of at least 30 grams of dietary fibre, or a cumulative total of 54,750 grams of dietary fibre, within the five years before the clinical onset of diverticular disease of the colon, which was materially contributed by operational service, was due to the veteran's serious default, wilful act or serious breach of discipline.