SOP Information
SOPs and Supporting Information – alphabetic listing
C to D
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome F036
Factors in CCPS as at 9 January 2013 (F036)
- Fracture or dislocation to lower radius or ulna or carpal or metacarpal bone
Date amended:
Carpal tunnel syndrome - Fracture or dislocation to lower radius or ulna or carpal or metacarpal bone Factor
· A fracture
· Dislocation includes subluxation which is a partial dislocation
The radius is the bone on the outer side or thumb side of the forearm. The lower end of the radius articulates (forms a joint) with the ulna and the carpus (wrist).
The ulna is the inner and larger bone of the forearm, on the side opposite that of the thumb. The lower end of the ulna articulates with the radius and the bones of the carpus.
The carpus (wrist) comprises 8 bones. These carpal bones are:
· Capitate |
· Scaphoid (navicular) |
· Hamate |
· Trapezium |
· Lunate |
· Trapezoid |
· Pisiform |
· Triquetrum |
The 5 metacarpal bones in the hand extend from the carpus (wrist) to the phalanges (fingers).
· Picture of hand and wrist
Picture of hand and wrist
Type |
Title |
PDF Format |
Word Format |
Medical Report | Fracture or Dislocation | MR9121.pdf | MR9121.docx |
17246 the veteran has suffered a fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body, as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome, at some time.
25957 the fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body, as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome, is an illness or injury which is identifiable. [Default true]
17248 the veteran has established the causal connection between the fracture or dislocation as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome and VEA service for carpal tunnel syndrome.
17257 the veteran suffered the identified illness or injury, a fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome, before the clinical onset of the condition under consideration.
17250 the veteran has established the causal connection between the fracture or dislocation as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome and VEA service for the clinical onset of carpal tunnel syndrome.
17253 the veteran has established the causal connection between the fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome and operational service for the clinical onset of carpal tunnel syndrome.
17254 the veteran has established the causal connection between the fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome and eligible service for the clinical onset of carpal tunnel syndrome.
7334 the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred after the end of the veteran's last period of VEA service.
7335 the condition under consideration permanently worsened.
17264 the veteran suffered the identified illness or injury, a fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome, before the clinical worsening of the condition under consideration.
17252 the veteran has established the causal connection between the fracture or dislocation as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome and VEA service for the clinical worsening of carpal tunnel syndrome.
17255 the veteran has established the causal connection between the fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome and operational service for the clinical worsening of carpal tunnel syndrome.
17256 the veteran has established the causal connection between the fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome and eligible service for the clinical worsening of carpal tunnel syndrome.
24056 the identified illness or injury, a fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome, is causally related to operational service.
24057 the identified illness or injury, a fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome, is causally related to eligible service.
24056 the identified illness or injury, a fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome, is causally related to operational service.
17270 the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred prior to that part of operational service to which the identified illness or injury, a fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome, is causally related.
24057 the identified illness or injury, a fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome, is causally related to eligible service.
17271 the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred prior to that part of eligible service to which the identified illness or injury, a fracture or dislocation affecting side and site of the body as defined in the Statements of Principles for carpal tunnel syndrome, is causally related.