6.9.1The following reference, taken from the NSWSO intranet site provides a list of useful dates which should be considered when calculating an overpayment. These dates may also prove useful when calculating backdated arrears payments.    




Changes in deemed interest rates applicable to financial assets.

  • Below threshold rate increased from 2.5% to 3.0%
  • Above threshold rates increased from 4.0% to 5.0%.


Changes to the disposal of assets rules. 'Pension year' rule replaced by 'Tax year' rule for disposal of assets occurring on or after 01/07/02. Also disposal of assets in excess of $30,000 during a 5-year rolling period assessed as deprived assets for 5 years from the date that the $30,000 'free area' is excluded.


Changes in deemed interest rates applicable to financial assets.

  • Below threshold rate reduced from 3.0% to 2.5%
  • Above threshold rates reduced from 4.5% to 4.0%.


Changes to private trusts and private companies rules. If a person is 'involved' in a private trust or a private company some or all of the trust/company income and assets may be attributed as the person's personal income and assets.


Extended deeming rules not applicable to an unrealisable asset that is also a financial asset.


Rounding ceases (previously pension amounts were rounded to the nearest 10¢).


Indexation of ISS ceiling rate commences.


Change in deemed interest rates applicable to financial assets.

  • Below threshold rate reduced from 3.5% to 3.0%
  • Above threshold rates reduced from 5.5% to 4.5%.


Introduction of the GST. Taper rate reduces to 40¢ in the dollar (20¢ each for couples). Pension supplement commenced to be payable.


Earliest date for assessment history on VIEW. Earliest date for calculate pension on PIPS.


Deeming rate change 1 day after the A/L.


This date will appear on VIEW instead of the A/L date (20/3/00). It will appear twice if BRI was in the assessment. In these cases VIEW will show 2 entries for 7/3/00 – one entry will be for the BRI run (which actually was 7/3/00) and the other will be for the A/L (correct date 20/3/00).

  • If you need to do a What If? or Simulated Assessment for the 20/3/00 A/L you should enter 23/3/00 as the date to get the system to provide you with a correct rate of pension. (Any calculated pension rate would still be effective from 20/3/00.)


This date appears incorrectly in VIEW. VIEW should show the date as 20/9/99 – the A/L date.

  • If you need to do a What If? or Simulated Assessment for the 20/9/99 A/L you should enter 23/9/99 as the date to get the system to provide you with a correct rate of pension. (Any calculated pension rate would still be effective from 20/9/99.)

July 99

Transitional period for new Date of Effect rules:

  • Payday 1/7/99 represents the 14 day period 1/7/99 – 14/7/99.
  • Payday 15/7/99 represents the 14 day period 15/7/99 – 28/7/99.
  • Payday 29/7/99 represents the 14 day period 13/7/99 – 26/7/99.

(From 20/9/99, all A/Ls became effective from 1st January, 20th March, 1st July, and 20th September each year – see above)


Most child payments transferred to Centrelink. Rent Assistance began to be paid by Centrelink if children were in the assessment. Some saved cases remain with DVA.


End of concessional deeming rules for first $2,000 / $4,000 (see below).


Extended deeming began, bringing in a two-tiered system with two interest rates (initially at 5% & 7%). The first $2,000 (singles) or $4,000 (couples) was still assessed at the actual rate.

Note:In addition, the payday & event history chart may also be useful in such cases.