Compensation and Support Reference Library
Ch 5 Investigation
5.3 How to Get Started with a Case
- 5.3.2 Notify the pensioner
External — At the same time a letter should be sent to the pensioner(s) advising that an overpayment may have occurred. The Advice – INVESTIGATION - client - advise investigation - DVA or age client.dot standard letter may be obtained from the departmental Y: Drive at Y:\97 Templates\IS ROOLS Letter Templates (Non MetaFrame users), or Y:\Application (MetaFrame users). However, the letter should be used cautiously so as not to concern a pensioner unnecessarily about an overpaid amount. There may however, be cases where a significant period of investigation is required. Where this is the case, the pensioner should be notified that a possible overpayment may have occurred. The aim is to alleviate any unnecessary confusion or distress caused to the pensioner if an overpayment were to arise after the prolonged investigation period.