overpayment of a DVA or social security pension may occur when a person:

  • transfers from one department to another, where a bar against receipt of dual payments exists. Section 36C VEA, section 37C VEA and section 38C VEA contain the multiple entitlement exclusion clauses, which prevents dual eligibility for service pension –(i.e. age, invalidity and partner) and social security pension or benefit. Section 45D VEA contains the bar to dual eligibility for ISS and social security pension or benefit. Multiple exclusion clauses are also included throughout the SSA;

    For example, where a social security age pensioner is granted service pension (SP), the Centrelink payment ceases to be payable from the date of grant of SP. A debt is created for any amount of Centrelink payment paid since the date of grant of the SP.

Note: A person may transfer their age pension from Centrelink to age pension paid under the DVA agency arrangements.

  • is granted pension that affects the benefit currently being received.

    For example where a Centrelink income support pensioner is retrospectively granted DCP or a war widow(er)'s pension (WWP), any amount of Centrelink income support which would not have been payable during the period if the DCP or WWP had been payable, is the excess payment or adjustment amount.