DFISA was removed 1 January 2022.  This is for historical reference only.

The DFISA rate is the difference between a notional assessment and an actual assessment. The notional assessment is a calculation based on the actual social security income support primary payment assessment, with adjusted disability pension excluded from the income test, but included in the rent test.

A DFISA overpayment can arise through an error of calculation, reassessment of the primary payment or a change in the adjusted disability pension rate.

When an overpayment occurs due to an error within the calculation of DFISA, this constitutes an administrative error. This type of overpayment may be due to incorrect data relating to the primary payment or the rate of disability pension being used in the calculation. This data may originate from either Centrelink or the Department of Veterans' Affairs. An overpayment may also occur due to a fundamental error in calculation.

Reassessment of the primary payment or adjusted disability pension may have a flow on effect to the rate of DFISA. This may result in either arrears or an overpayment of DFISA.

A person may also elect not to receive DFISA. If a person elects not to receive DFISA, this will take effect on the day after election. Depending on when this is actioned within the instalment period, this may result in an overpayment.