


What decisions can be reviewed by the VRB?

A person may appeal against the following decisions to the VRB:

Aspects of a decision on a claim for Disability Compensation Payment that may be reviewed are:

  • whether or not a person is a veteran,
  • whether or not a person's disability is war-caused or defence-caused, and
  • the assessment of Disability Compensation Payment.

If unhappy with VRB decision a claimant or applicant may then appeal to the AAT.    


Review by VRB of a section 31 review decision



After application to the VRB is made, the Commission may exercise its discretion to review its decision under s31 of the VEA, and may:

  • revoke the decision,
  • revoke the decision and substitutes with new decision, or
  • vary the decision.

In such a case, the person may request that the VRB review the:

  • decision to revoke the original decision,