Date amended:
Fracture - Osteonecrosis Factor
The RMA has defined osteonecrosis to mean a disease of bone where death of bone tissue occurs as a result of the temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to bone. Osteonecrosis is also known as avascular necrosis, aseptic necrosis or ischaemic necrosis.
This can include dysbaric osteonecrosis which is aseptic necrosis of bone in association with exposure to raised ambient barometric pressure and which is covered by an RMA SoP.
General information about osteonecrosis
Causes of osteonecrosis may include: trauma to the blood supply; long-term steroids use; excessive alcohol use; blood coagulation disorders; or decompression sickness.
This abnormality can remain symptomless until the degeneration of the bone causes pain. Diagnosis is usually made from X-rays or MRI scans.
Last reviewed for CCPS 24 May 2007.
Preliminary questions [37075]
37076 there is some evidence that osteonecrosis may be a factor in the development or worsening of the condition under consideration.
37077 the veteran has had osteonecrosis at some time.
37078 the osteonecrosis involved side and site of the body.
37894 osteonecrosis means osteonecrosis due to any cause, or dysbaric osteonecrosis.
37081 the veteran has established the causal connection between the osteonecrosis and VEA service for the fracture.
37079 the veteran had the identified illness or injury, an osteonecrosis involving side and site of the body, at the time of the clinical onset of the condition under consideration.
37082 the veteran has established the causal connection between the osteonecrosis and VEA service for the clinical onset of the fracture.
37084 the veteran has established the causal connection between the osteonecrosis and operational service for the clinical onset of the fracture.
37085 the veteran has established the causal connection between the osteonecrosis and eligible service for the clinical onset of the fracture.
7334 the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred after the end of the veteran's last period of VEA service.
7335 the condition under consideration permanently worsened.
37080 the veteran had the identified illness or injury, an osteonecrosis involving side and site of the body, at the time of the clinical worsening of the condition under consideration.
37083 the veteran has established the causal connection between the osteonecrosis and VEA service for the clinical worsening of the fracture.
37086 the veteran has established the causal connection between the osteonecrosis and operational service for the clinical worsening of the fracture.
37087 the veteran has established the causal connection between the osteonecrosis and eligible service for the clinical worsening of the fracture.
Clinical onset and operational service [37084]
37088 the identified illness or injury, an osteonecrosis involving side and site of the body, is causally related to operational service.
Clinical onset and eligible service [37085]
37089 the identified illness or injury, an osteonecrosis involving side and site of the body, is causally related to eligible service.
Clinical worsening and operational service [37086]
37088 the identified illness or injury, an osteonecrosis involving side and site of the body, is causally related to operational service.
37090 the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred prior to that part of operational service to which the identified illness or injury, an osteonecrosis involving side and site of the body, is causally related.
Clinical worsening and eligible service [37087]
37089 the identified illness or injury, an osteonecrosis involving side and site of the body, is causally related to eligible service.
37091 the clinical onset of the condition under consideration occurred prior to that part of eligible service to which the identified illness or injury, an osteonecrosis involving side and site of the body, is causally related.