SOP Information
SOPs and Supporting Information – alphabetic listing
E to G
- Eating Disorder E028
ICD Body System
Date amended:
Current RMA Instruments:
15 of 2025 | |
16 of 2025 |
Changes from previous Instruments:
ICD Coding:
- ICD-10-AM Codes: F50.0, F50.2, F50.9
Breif description
This SOP covers anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder and some other less common eating disorders as specified in the SOP definition.
Confirming the diagnosis
An assessment and report by a psychiatrist will be required in order to confirm the specific eating disorder diagnosis.
Additional diagnoses covered by SOP
- Anorexia nervosa
- Atypical anorexia nervosa
- Binge-eating disorder
- Bulimia nervosa
- Pica
- Rumination disorder
- Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
- Other specified feeding or eating disoder
- Unspecified feeding or eating disorder
Conditions not covered by SOP
- Anorexia #
- Orthorexia nervosa #
- Polyphagia #
- Overeating associated with other psychological disturbances #
* another SOP applies - the SOP has the same name unless otherwise specified
# non-SOP condition
Clinical onset
Clinical onset will be when the DSM-5 criteria for the relevant condition were first fulfilled.
Clinical worsening
The severity and courses of these illnesses can be highly variable. Some cases may resolve with good outcomes, but many cases can also be life-threatening and associated with serious complications and other psychiatric illnesses. Treatment being refused is not uncommon. Establishing clinical worsening beyond the normal course of the condition will best be assessed by a psychiatrist.