Release of the report to the client
mlcoa may release IME reports simultaneously to clients, their nominated Medical Practitioners and DVA.
Release of the report to the client
mlcoa may release IME reports simultaneously to clients, their nominated Medical Practitioners and DVA.
DVA has protocols in place to support clients who have a Single Point of Contact, Client Management plan or contact restrictions.
Telehealth appointment
Telehealth is having a consultation with a healthcare provider by phone or video call. They may be a convenient option for clients with mobility issues, those who live in remote areas or based on the advice of the case manager under the Coordinated Client Support Program. They also save time and money by reducing the need to take time off work, travel, wait in waiting rooms, or pay for parking or public transport.
Telehealth appointments should be offered when a physical examination isn’t necessary.
Is there a ‘proper claim’ if only the nominated representative signs the claim form?
Yes, depending on the type of claim submitted and whether the client had physical capacity to personally sign the claim form.
Non-liability health care claims, and veteran recognition applications
A nominated representative may make these claims without the client’s signature. It does not matter whether the client had physical capacity to personally sign a form.
The compensation and pension claim forms from DVA need to be signed by the claimant or someone legally authorised to sign for them. The signature confirms that the claimant is eligible to make the claim, that the information provided is true and complete, and it allows DVA to get the medical information needed to process the claim.
Unsigned Claim Forms
Liability and compensation claims under the VEA, MRCA and DRCA are subject to statutory form requirements. These requirements must be met in order to be accepted as ‘proper claims’.
It is possible to process some claims, even if the claim is not submitted using the DVA form.
For further information refer to:
DVA has a number of forms to assist clients to access our support and services. The majority of forms can be completed and submitted by clients using MyService, or Advocates using the ESO portal.
Paper forms are also available to meet the different preferences of clients.
Where a client is no longer able to manage their own affairs, the organisation or person representing the client must provide legal and medical evidence.
This could be either original or certified copies of:
Representative arrangements can change throughout the lifecycle of a claim, with consent able to be withdrawn or changed at any time.
Consent may be withdrawn verbally if the call is taking place on a Softphone. The use of Softphone provides a recording of the request that can be used until the revocation is received in writing.
Verbal consent may only be accepted via Softphone where the call is being recorded and should only be used in an instance where the client may ask for a conversation taking place to continue with a third party.
Ongoing consent must be provided in writing, signed and dated by the client. This must then be: