Income Support Payment Rates 1 January 2025
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Old rate | New Rate | Difference | |
Current rates effective 1 January 2025
Should I check the client’s claims status and history?
Can the CBD determination letter still be used if a delegate finalises the claim?
Where the Quality Assurance (QA) team finds that a CSO has incorrectly quality checked a determined CBDM claim the QA error is advised to the Team Leader of the CSO team. It is then referred to the SD mailbox for action by the SD team.
Needs Assessments (NAs) generated for successfully determined CBDM claims are undertaken by CSO’s.
NAs for failed claims are allocated to the same holding bay or delegate as the failed CBDM claim.
The process for quality checks for determined CBDM claims and failed CBDM claims for restricted clients is the same as non-restricted clients. The claims are allocated to applicable staff with Privacy Protected Client access.
13.1.4 Decision Making
The following decisions are a formal decision point which must be made by a delegate with appropriate authority:
If eligibility cannot be confirmed based on the information provided, the diagnosis rules are not met. Where this occurs, the claim is not finalised and requires a Delegate to process. These claims are then allocated by the Sydney Initial Liability (IL) Allocations team.
If the client has any outstanding Initial Liability claims assigned to a delegate, the failed claim will be manually allocated to that delegate as a subsequent allocation.