The ADF commonly provides sporting facilities on base for the use of ADF members. These facilities (such as squash and tennis courts, swimming pools, gymnasiums, etc.) are mainly or even exclusively for the use of ADF staff.  Nevertheless, an injury arising out of or in the course of a member's after hours use of those facilities is not compensable on that account alone, (i.e. no more than an after hours injury arising from a voluntary visit to the Mess would be compensable).

Thus, attendance at and use of, (e.g.) an ADF squash court or gym is not a sufficient nexus with employment.  An after hours injury suffered in such a place would only have arisen out of or in the course of employment if the member were undertaking a self-training program sanctioned by the ADF, or alternatively, playing sport under the auspices of the appropriate ADF sporting association i.e. as outlined at 19.1.2.