Rehabilitation Policy Library
9 Vocational Rehabilitation
- 9.3 Who is eligible for vocational rehabilitation
Date amended:
Former members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) with entitlements under the DRCA or the MRCA, whose accepted conditions impact on their ability to undertake or sustain employment, are eligible for vocational rehabilitation assistance. This includes "declared" members, ADF Cadets, Officers of Cadets and Instructors of Cadets. Serving ADF members including Reservists on Continuous Full Time Service (CFTS) and part time Reservists may also access vocational rehabilitation assistance in specific circumstances.
Vocational rehabilitation is normally provided through a whole of person rehabilitation plan drafted around individual needs and tailored to assist the person to meet their vocational rehabilitation goals. A vocational rehabilitation plan may also include psychosocial rehabilitation interventions to assist a client to learn to manage their accepted conditions more effectively and deal with issues that may impact on their ability to return to sustainable employment. The costs of these interventions may be met as a third party cost under the client's vocational rehabilitation plan.
Veterans' Vocational Rehabilitation Scheme (VVRS) clients can also be provided with vocational rehabilitation assistance. VVRS clients could be expected to have a whole of person rehabilitation plan developed to capture their return to work activities, covering medical management, retraining, provision of work related aids and appliances, job search and placement processes.