
There is strong medical evidence to support the theory that the majority of musculoskeletal conditions benefit from a regular, long-term exercise program. The department therefore encourages home based exercise programs monitored by the client's treating physiotherapist or exercise physiologist. This may be enhanced by the provision of small items of home exercise equipment.

The guidelines outlined in section 10.7.6 of this Library must be followed when considering provision of home exercise equipment.

Where the client holds a DVA Health Card, consideration must first be given to whether the equipment can be provided through the Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP).

If the equipment cannot be provided through RAP, consideration may be given to providing home exercise equipment through a psychosocial rehabilitation program, where this will assist a client to effectively self-manage their accepted conditions. However, as stated in 6.7 Equipment for psychosocial activities, hiring or leasing the equipment should be considered in the first instance.