Date amended:

This topic relates to section 4.3 of the VVRS Instrument.

The Rehabilitation Provider will be expected to explore opportunities within the workplace for the employer to provide aids, appliances and workplace modifications before making a recommendation for these to be provided under the VVRS. This could involve a cost sharing arrangement with an employer.

The provision of the grant must adhere to the cost effectiveness for the VVRS.

Veterans on the VVRS can utilise the Department's Rehabilitation Aids and Appliances Program (RAP) where they are eligible to do so. Use of this area is not restricted to the purchase of equipment but also extends to the maintenance of aids and appliances. However, if they can be provided under a rehabilitation program, then RAP services should not be sought. If the aid or appliance required to achieve a successful employment outcome is of a significant cost, the decision to provide those products should be referred to the Rehabilitation Policy Section via

Grant to veteran or employer

The provision of the grant must adhere to the principles of cost effectiveness for the Scheme.

Assessment report to be obtained

Reports provided must be provided in writing and be of sufficient detail and quality to allow the VVRS Coordinator to make an informed decision.

Grant not to be for tools of trade or establishing a business

The nature of Australian employment has changed since previous schemes to provide employment related assistance to veterans. It is now common practice that employers provide tools for their employees.

The VVRS does not provide funding for business loans, tools of trade or equipment needed to establish a business such as computers and associated hardware or software for use in the workplace.

The VVRS will provide assistance for business related training, for example business management or particular technical expertise. Any approval for assistance is subject to a thorough assessment indicating:

  • that this activity is likely to result in sustainable employment;
  • what support has been recommended;
  • particular modifications to equipment for the workplace; and
  • the likely viability of the business enterprise.