Rehabilitation Policy Library
12 Veterans' Vocational Rehabilitation Scheme Guidelines
12.5 Other assistance to veterans participating in the VVRS
- 12.5.1 Other assistance available under Chapter 4 in the VVRS Instrument
Date amended:
This topic relates to section 4.1 of the VVRS Instrument.
Availability of other VVRS assistance
Veterans participating in an approved program may receive other assistance under this Scheme. Chapter 4 in the VVRS Instrument provides the rules for such other assistance and the criteria by which applications for assistance are assessed.
As with all assistance provided under the VVRS, cost effectiveness is a key consideration in determining the type and amount of assistance provided to a veteran in that chapter.
Distance education is to be used for veterans living in remote areas in preference to relocating the veterans closer to educational services. Tools such as telecommuting, i.e. using a personal computer to interact with teaching institutions, may be used if appropriate.
General Assistance
The range of VVRS general assistance or services may include:
- professional vocational assessment to determine abilities and opportunities;
- advice and assistance to find a job such as writing or updating a resume, including tailoring a resume to suit job seeking in civilian employment;
- assistance with updating or upgrading skills including help to gain recognition for on-the-job training (which may be necessary to secure or keep employment);
- advice and support if a job is at risk or a job is in jeopardy;
- modification of work station or duties, vocational guidance or counselling, workplace mediation, adaptive aids or technology (not including tools of trade);
- assessment of physical abilities and advice on pain management;
- grants for aids, appliances and workplace modifications;
- education programs and related assistance;
- transport and accommodation assistance;
- assistance with entry to other vocational rehabilitation programs.