Allocation and case notes
If no priority or risk indicators have been identified support officers:
If no priority or risk indicators have been identified support officers:
Use the Claims Prioritisation Assessment Tool (the tool) - (CM9# 22502611E) to raise priority allocation
Front end support officers must review all information submitted with the claim, as well as relevant information on the client’s file, to identify risk factors for priority claim allocation and make appropriate referrals for any supports that may be appropriate for the client.
Non Liability Health Care - Mental Health (VEA) claims are the only claims that can be registered following a verbal request.
Subsection 436(1) of the MRCA provides that if an eligible person dies before an amount of compensation is determined and paid, the amount forms part of the person’s estate. Absence or Separate due to Family or Domestic Violence
Under the MRCA a person may continue to be considered wholly dependant on an eligible member in circumstances the person or the eligible member has left or been removed from their home due to circumstances of family or domestic violence (FDV).
If client correspondence has been returned to the Department as return to sender, attempt to contact the client or their representative by phone, email or SMS to confirm their current address. Make a note in Process Direct for each attempt.
If the client or their representative cannot be reached after 3 attempts: