Rehabilitation Policy Library
12 Veterans' Vocational Rehabilitation Scheme Guidelines
12.5 Other assistance to veterans participating in the VVRS
- 12.5.4 Education programs through the VVRS
Date amended:
This topic relates to section 4.4 of the VVRS Instrument.
Assisting veterans to obtain recognition of prior learning through recognised educational institutions is an avenue of assistance that can be explored and, if appropriate, funded under the VVRS for those with skills that could be transferred to civilian employment.
Assistance can be provided to a veteran to undertake a course of tertiary study if, after a full assessment of the veteran's capabilities, it has been determined that it is the best option to result in a suitable vocational outcome. A decision to support tertiary study should be made after consideration has been given to the cost and length of the course of study in relation to the expected outcome of that training. The VVRS does not provide for the provision of post-graduate studies to veterans. In some exceptional circumstances it may be appropriate to assist a veteran to upgrade qualifications to undergraduate level.
As a general rule, the funding of educational courses veterans have already commenced is not covered under the VVRS. Veterans who have already made decisions about their choice of a suitable employment outcome and have commenced a course of study to achieve that aim should be expected to complete that course at their own expense. The only exception to this would be a veteran who is part way through studies, but the veteran's circumstances have changed substantially so that the veteran is unable to complete the course without assistance under the VVRS, and this educational assistance would be judged by the VVRS Coordinator as the most cost-effective manner of achieving a suitable employment outcome.
Assistance under this section would be subject to the veteran satisfying the VVRS Coordinator that he or she has the capacity to complete the education program successfully and achieve a sustainable employment outcome. This would normally require that the veteran demonstrate evidence of ability to study, achieve results and secure employment
Grants for text books and study materials
Grants will be subject to presentation of receipts.
Veterans should be advised not to anticipate assistance with educational costs unless these are part of a DVA approved rehabilitation program.
Application for excess expenses grant
Grants will be subject to presentation of receipts or invoices from the educational institution.
Veterans should be advised not to anticipate assistance with educational costs unless these are part of a DVA approved rehabilitation program.
Commission may make excess expenses grant
Payments under this sub-section will only be made under exceptional circumstances, such as serious financial hardship, and will be at the discretion of the VVRS Coordinator. Veterans should be advised not to anticipate that they will receive grants in excess of $500.
Grants will be subject to presentation of receipts or invoices from the educational institution.
If veterans are studying as part of an approved program, it is not intended that they would automatically receive assistance to purchase all the books recommended for their course. It is often not a good use of money to purchase books that may only be used for a single semester and are then going to sit on the students' shelves unopened.
Veterans should be encouraged to use the same facilities as other students as far as practicable, viz. the library and computing facilities of educational institutions. Some of these facilities are available to people who are not students of a particular institution. For instance, members of the public may use the books at the libraries of some educational institutions such as universities without charge. However, they would not normally be able to borrow books. Arrangements can be made with some institutions for borrowing rights, at a fee, for non-students.
Assistance with other fees such as those associated with computer hire could potentially be made within the provisions of section 4.4.2 in the VVRS Instrument.
Payment of Higher Education Loan Program fees
Veterans will be required to provide the VVRS Coordinator with evidence of their HELP (formerly known as Higher Education Contribution Scheme - HECS) obligation in adequate time to allow payment to be made within the discount period. The veteran will be required to provide the VVRS Coordinator with evidence of timely payment. The veteran may request DVA to pay the account directly to the educational institution.
In all cases, the help payment will not exceed the discounted rate.
Payment of Higher Education Loan Program fees after the first semester of a course of study
Factors which the VVRS Coordinator will consider are overall academic performance, application of the student, circumstances outside the veteran's control that may contribute to failure, and the likelihood of the veteran making acceptable progress with the course of study.
Payment of student union fees
Grants will be subject to presentation of receipts or invoices from the educational institution.