Compensation and Support Policy Library
Part 4 Disability Compensation Eligibility
4.1 Disability Compensation Payment Eligibility
- 4.1.8 Veterans' Vocational Rehabilitation Scheme (VVRS) Safety Net Provisions for certain Disability Compensation Payments
Date amended:
Participation in VVRS
VVRS assists veterans to find, or continue in, suitable paid employment. Services are provided on the basis of assessed need and subject to the likelihood of their obtaining a suitable and sustainable employment outcome.
Income safety net provided by VVRS
In the two years period immediately following commencement of remunerative work as a result of undertaking the vocational rehabilitation program, veterans on the special or intermediate rate pension will be paid 100% of the general rate and half of the difference between that general rate and either the special or intermediate rate (whichever they were receiving). The next five years, while remaining in employment, the pension is gradually reduced to 100% of the general rate. However, the special or intermediate rate pension status and all ancillary benefits are retained.
Note: The initial two-year period of pension reduction does not recommence after a period of not working. The exclusion period is generally for two calendar years, following the commencement of remunerative employment. The two-year period ceases on the day before the first CPI indexation day following the two-year anniversary.