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2.1.1 Overview of Claims

Why lodge a claim?

A claim may be lodged for the purpose of:    

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  • applying for service pension,
  • applying for Income support supplement,
  • establishing qualifying service.
  • claiming for Disability Compensation Payment,
  • applying for an increase in Disability Compensation Payment,
  • claiming for war widow(er)'s pension, or
  • claiming for orphan's pension.
Lodgement of a claim

Lodging a claim is the first requirement in order for a pension to be granted. However, certain persons are exempt from lodging a claim: income support supplement, war widow(er)'s pension and orphan's pension.    

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Withdrawal of a claim

Claims for service pension and income support supplement may be withdrawn, either orally or in writing. Orally withdrawn claims may be reactivated within 28 days of withdrawal. Claims for Disability Compensation Payment, war widow(er)'s pension or orphan's pension must be withdrawn in writing. A withdrawn claim cannot be reactivated, although the claimant can lodge a new claim at any time.    

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Assessment of a claim

The Secretary is obliged to investigate all claims. The Commission then considers and determines the claim. Claimants have a right of review for all claim determinations. A written notice of the making of the decision and of the right of the person to have the decision reviewed must be provided to the person.    

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Centrelink clearances

Arrears of pension may be held for recovery of possible excess or overpayments, pending a clearance from Centrelink.    

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