Date amended:

Decisions about whether it is appropriate for clients to continue to receive attendant care services from a partner or relative must be informed by evidence of the client's current needs and circumstances. 

Prior to the expiration of a client’s attendant care approval period, delegates are required to consider whether they have sufficient evidence available to them to support a new determination. If there is not sufficient evidence on file, a new claim form may need to completed and/or a new activities of daily living assessment may be necessary. 

Delegates must be mindful of the policy outlined in section 8.5.1 of this Library when making decisions about continuing personal care service arrangements for clients.

Where there is insufficient evidence that exceptional circumstances continue to apply, the client should be carefully and gradually transitioned to an external attendant care provider. The transition to an external provider must be managed sensitively and consideration given to whether additional support may be required from other DVA business areas, such as the Coordinated Client Support Program.