Rehabilitation Policy Library
8 Attendant Care
8.5 When attendant care services might reasonably be provided by a partner, relative or friend of the person
- 8.5.2 High or complex care needs clients
Date amended:
Clients with high or complex care needs will generally be receiving ongoing nursing care services through the Community Nursing Program, in addition to attendant care services. In this circumstance, even if exceptional circumstances are found to apply, a Rehabilitation Coordinator may only approve a limited range of simple attendant care services to be provided by the partner, relative or friend. This might include, assistance with feeding and/or drinking, setting up computers or other communication devices, or assisting with physiotherapy or speech pathology exercises. Services to meet personal care needs, such as showering and dressing, must not be approved as these services should be provided by the Community Nursing Program. The reason for limiting the services that can be provided is to ensure the client is receiving care most appropriate to their needs and to avoid carer health and safety issues and the risks of carer burn out.
As a general rule, these limitations do not apply where the person is being provided with short term care, such as following surgery, unless the client also requires nursing care services to help facilitate their recovery.
If a Rehabilitation Coordinator identifies a client with high or complex care needs, who is not receiving services through the Community Nursing Program, they are requested to advise the rehabilitation policy section through rehabilitation@dva.gov.au