Rehabilitation Policy Library
12 Veterans' Vocational Rehabilitation Scheme Guidelines
12.3 VVRS programs for other veterans
- 12.3.1 Participation in the VVRS by other veterans
Date amended:
This topic relates to section 3.1 of the VVRS Instrument.
Participation in the VVRS by veterans other than those referred to in Chapter 2 in the VVRS Instrument
Certain veterans - who are not in receipt of disability compensation payment at the special or intermediate rate, or invalidity service pension - may participate in a Veterans' Vocational Rehabilitation Scheme (VVRS) rehabilitation program, whether they are in receipt of a pension or not.
VVRS rehabilitation programs under Chapter 3 in the VVRS Instrument may assist veterans:
- to obtain remunerative work if they are not currently employed; or
- to increase the number of hours of remunerative work if they are in part-time employment; or
- to maintain them in employment, if they are having difficulties in coping with their current work; or
- who have recently separated, or are soon to separate, from the Australian Defence Force (ADF) in their transition to civilian employment.
It provides the rules for their participation and the criteria by which applications and programs are assessed.
Note: Personnel who are separating from the ADF but who do not have eligibility as a veteran (i.e. as per s115A of the VEA) are not entitled to VVRS assistance. Therefore, ADF personnel requesting services from the VVRS should have their eligibility checked accordingly.