
Last amended: 11 July 2022


The amount of clean energy advance (CEA) is determined through the following formula rounded up to the nearest $10:

clean energy advance daily rate (CEA daily rate) x days eligible

where days eligible means the number of days from the person's CEA start date to the end of the clean energy advance period.    


Clean energy advance daily rate

CEA daily rates are calculated differently depending on a person's clean energy underlying payment (CEUP).    


Clean energy advance daily rate for Disability Compensation Payment

The following calculation method applies to Disability Compensation Payment.




Work out the total rate of Disability Compensation Payment and any increase under section 27, disregarding any reduction for other compensation received.    

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Special rules for some clean energy underlying payments

7.4.1/Special rules applying to some clean energy underlying payments


Compensation Offsetting

Chapter 9.10


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If the total at step 1 is less than or equal to 100% of the general rate, multiply the 100% general rate for 1 July 2012 by 1.7%.

If the total at step 1 is greater than 100% of the general rate but less than or equal to the EDA rate, multiply the EDA rate for 1 July 2012 by 1.7%.

If the total at step 1 is greater than the EDA rate but less than or equal to the intermediate rate, multiply the intermediate rate for 1 July 2012 by 1.7%.

If the total at step 1 is greater than the intermediate rate, multiply the special rate for 1 July 2012 by 1.7%.


Add 20 cents to the relevant result of step 2.


Round result of step 3 up or down to the nearest multiple of 10 cents (rounding up if the result is a multiple of 5 cents and not 10 cents).


Divide step 4 by 14.

Clean energy advance daily rate for MRCA permanent impairment payment

The CEA daily rate for MRCA permanent impairment payment is equal to that for a person receiving 100% general rate of Disability Compensation Payment.




Multiply 100% of the general rate of Disability Compensation Payment for 1 July 2012 by 1.7%.


Add 20 cents to the result of step 1.


Round result of step 2 up or down to the nearest multiple of 10 cents (rounding up if the result is a multiple of 5 cents and not 10 cents).


Divide step 3 by 14.

Clean energy advance daily rate for service pension and age pension

The following calculation method applies to service pension and age pension.




Work out the sum of the fortnightly maximum basic rate of service pension and the pension supplement for a couple combined as at 1 July 2012.


Multiply the result of step 1 by 26.


Multiply result of step 2 by 1.7%.


Round result of step 3 up or down to the nearest multiple of $5.20 (rounding up if the result is a multiple of $5.20 and not $2.60).


Add $5.20 to the result of step 4.


Multiply the result of step 5 by 50% if the person is a member of a couple or by 66.33% if the person is single or is a member of an illness separated or respite care couple.    



Round the result of step 6 up or down to the nearest multiple of $2.60 (rounding up if the result is a multiple of $1.30 and not $2.60).


Divide result of step 7 by 364.

Clean energy advance daily rate for all other CEUPs

The following calculation method applies to war widow(er)'s pension, VCES & MRCAETS fortnightly education allowances, MRCA special rate disability pension and MRCA wholly dependent partner payment:




Multiply the fortnightly rate, disregarding any reduction for other compensation received, of the CEUP for 1 July 2012 by 1.7%.    

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Special rules for some clean energy underlying payments

7.4.1/Special rules applying to some clean energy underlying payments

Compensation Offsetting

Chapter 9.10


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Add 20 cents to the result of step 1.


Round result of step 2 up or down to the nearest multiple of 10 cents (rounding up if the result is a multiple of 5 cents and not 10 cents).


Divide step 3 by 14.