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13.6.3 Child Dental Benefits Schedule


13.6.3  Child Dental Benefits Schedule

The Child Dental Benefits Schedule is a dental benefits program for eligible children aged 2-17 years which replaced the Medicare Teen Dental Plan from 1 January 2014. It provides eligible children with up to $1000.00 in benefits, capped over two years, for basic dental service.


  • 16 and 17 year old DVA students in receipt of education allowance; and
  • Children between the ages of 2 years and 17 years who receive a relevant Centrelink payment (such as Family Tax Benefit Part A).

Students turning 16 or 17 during 2014 will be sent a letter requesting them to "opt-in" or "opt-out" of the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. If they choose to "opt-in", an Education Schemes delegate will advise Medicare of the student’s details.

The Department of Human Services will provide those who choose to "opt-in" (if eligible) with a letter which can be taken to a dentist to receive the Child Dental Befits Schedule treatment services.