Policy Part Time Study

See paragraph 2.7.2 of the Instruments 

A student undertaking part time study may be deemed to be studying full time under the Schemes where:

(a) the Commission is satisfied that the amount of study that the student must complete in order to finish a course constitutes less than one year full-time study; or

(b) through geographical isolation, the student is unable to take advantage of full-time study facilities; or

(c) for health, economic or academic reasons, the student has shown ability to undertake full-time studies but needs to study part-time temporarily.

Periods of incapacity for tertiary students 

Paragraph 2.7.2 of the Instruments allows for benefits to be provided to a student who is undertaking part-time study in certain circumstances, and for that student to be deemed to be undertaking full-time study. This may also provide flexibility for a tertiary student to receive benefits under the Schemes through a period of incapacity. 

A period of no study could still be considered part-time for the purposes of 2.7.2(c) if the Commission is satisfied the student has demonstrated the ability to undertake full-time study during the study period, but is unable to do so due to their incapacity. 

The student must: 

  • have enrolled in a course of study, or be between semesters in a course of study, 
  • be temporarily incapacitated in the relevant period, such that they are temporarily unable to study, and 
  • have previously demonstrated a capacity to undertake their course of study on a full-time basis. 

For example, if a student was undertaking a full-time study load in Semester 1 and was enrolled for a full-time load in Semester 2 but became temporarily incapacitated in the second semester and unable to study, they could be deemed to be a part-time study and therefore retain their entitlement for Semester 2. 

To be approved, the student must provide a medical certificate stating the student is incapacitated for study. The medical certificate should state the diagnosis, prognosis and period of incapacity. The incapacity must be due to illness or an accident and be temporary in nature. 

Consecutive periods of incapacity 

This provision acknowledges that temporary incapacitation can occur, and ensures that students with a proven capacity for full-time study are not disadvantaged by short-term setbacks such as illness or injury. However it is intended to apply to instances where incapacitation is temporary and confined to specific study periods, rather than consecutive periods. 

Subsequent periods of incapacity should be evaluated case by case. Where a student's incapacity for study is prolonged beyond a specific study period, delegates should consider whether the incapacity is still "temporary". In the event where a student's incapacity is more than temporary, and 2.7.2(c) no longer applies, a student can generally reapply to the Schemes when they recommence study, providing they again meet the relevant eligibility criteria.