
The correspondence address may include a block number or block and section numbers in the absence of a street number.  For the purposes of data entry the block and section numbers should be shown in the Street No. field (maximum of 20 characters).  Block 1 Section 17 would be shown as BLOCK 1 where a street name is available as below:


Client Number    0000894

Surname VANDENBERG....................Date of Birth................. Death Indicator....

Given..JOHN PAUL.........................16-JUN-1953                     ...

Addressee Line 1 MR J P VAN DEN BERGTelephone Nos

                 Line 2 02-62412345

                 Line 3 Street Name   Type  02-62896644

Street NoBLOCK 1 PAMBULA Street

       Town KALEEN...........................State ACT  Postcode 2617

Country .....................Foreign Postcode.....