
Addressee Line 2 data may contain any one of the following acceptable types (formats) of data.  However, where an address includes a combination of this data it must be recorded in the order of priority as listed below at Addressee Line 2 and Addressee Line 3.

Examples of order of priority:

1. de facto or other surname (see Example 8 page 36);

2. C/- Public Trustee (see Example 3 page 34);

3. C/- another person (see Example 6 page 35);

4. Base name (see Example 11 page 38);

5. "House name" or rural "Property name"(see Example 5 page 35);

6. GPO/PO Box 123 (see Example 4 page 34).

If the address does not contain any of these formats the Addressee Line 2 will not contain any address data.  The relevant data will be recorded against Street No. and Street Name (see Example 1 page 33).

A house name eg "Caringbah" will be recorded at Addressee Line 2 as "CARINGBAH" inside double quotation marks (see Example 5 page 35).  This may or may not be accompanied by a Street No. and Street Name.

A post office address, whether a box number or care of a Post Office, will appear against Addressee Line 2.  There will not be any details recorded against Street No. and Street Name (see below and Example 8 page 36).  Where there is a combination of the kind of data in 1 to 6 above the lower priority data will flow over to Addressee Line 3 (see paragraph 5.5 Addressee Line 3).

Addressee Line 1  EST J P VAN DEN BERG

Addressee Line 2  GPO BOX 303

Addressee Line 3

Street No./Street name

Town etc  WODEN ACT 2606