
The following protocols are to be observed when entering clients' Given Names for correspondence purposes in Addressee Line 1:

(a) correspondence record to show initials only;

(b) full stops are not permitted after initials;

(c) spaces to be used between initials;

(d) where applicable hyphens between initials are to be used (eg A-M for Anne-Marie);

(e) apostrophes are not permitted;


(a) Please note the difference between Given Names and Correspondence Names at Addressee line 1;

(b)** the exception to showing initials only arises where SIR or LADY appears.  For example, in this case Addressee Line 1 would show SIR JOHN VAN DEN BERG not SIR J P VAN DEN BERG.  If LADY (given name) VAN DEN BERG's name is required, the full title would be, (eg) 'SIR JOHN & LADY ENID VAN DEN BERG';

(c) If the number of name characters exceeds maximum of 30 characters see Paragraph 2.2.1).